FreeREG |

Search Statistics for FreeREG

This chart shows the search performance of FreeREG2 over the last 8 days.
The top line represents the total number of searches, while the second line represents searches which took longer than 1 second to return. Yellow represents searches taking longer than 10 seconds to return, while red represents searches taking longer than 1 minute to return.
Percentage of last name searches (in blue) to all searches (in green).
Percentage of first name searches (in blue) to all searches (in green).
Percentage of searches with no results (in blue) and maximum results (in red) to all searches (in green).
Percentage of all-county searches (in blue) to all searches (in green).
Percentage of date searches (in blue) to all searches (in green).
Percentage of record type (census year) searches (in blue) to all searches (in green).
Percentage of single-place searches (in blue) and nearby searches (in purple) to all searches (in green).

Searches over the last 9 days.

Date Search Count
19 Jul 2024 13884
20 Jul 2024 16509
21 Jul 2024 13843
22 Jul 2024 13870
23 Jul 2024 17443
24 Jul 2024 20798
25 Jul 2024 24044
26 Jul 2024 17967
27 Jul 2024 551
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