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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Westhampnett (Sussex) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Westhampnett in Sussex. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Dyer 11 Dyer burials from 1777-02-27 to 1844-02-15
76 Dyer marriages from 1760-02-17 to 1832-07-20
35 Dyer baptisms from 1761-02-18 to 1891-10-05
Halsted 42 Halsted burials from 1735-10-10 to 1893-12-27
39 Halsted marriages from 1736-08-29 to 1815-09-22
63 Halsted baptisms from 1734-12-28 to 1891-11-12
Halstead 32 Halstead burials from 1735-10-10 to 1805-07-31
4 Halstead marriages from 1736-08-29 to 1788-09-04
85 Halstead baptisms from 1734-09-28 to 1816-09-30
Hammond 41 Hammond burials from 1737-11-05 to 1883-03-03
14 Hammond marriages from 1735-09-30 to 1873-06-10
82 Hammond baptisms from 1736-03-18 to 1898-07-13
Ide 34 Ide burials from 1751-01-23 to 1893-02-18
24 Ide marriages from 1759-11-29 to 1901-05-27
179 Ide baptisms from 1757-07-26 to 1890-04-25
Ingram 14 Ingram burials from 1760-05-12 to 1857-01-28
6 Ingram marriages from 1759-02-12 to 1823-07-22
99 Ingram baptisms from 1759-05-20 to 1837-08-06
Lillywhite 16 Lillywhite burials from 1755-10-16 to 1896-02-11
13 Lillywhite marriages from 1752-11-06 to 1873-05-15
96 Lillywhite baptisms from 1754-06-14 to 1893-05-14
Longland 14 Longland burials from 1834-04-13 to 1891-03-28
30 Longland marriages from 1795-05-19 to 1900-04-21
74 Longland baptisms from 1797-02-19 to 1892-06-12
Mills 46 Mills burials from 1747-05-11 to 1887-02-16
38 Mills marriages from 1753-06-16 to 1873-06-28
159 Mills baptisms from 1747-04-26 to 1890-03-05
Smith 24 Smith burials from 1736-04-29 to 1900-08-02
30 Smith marriages from 1762-04-15 to 1899-08-28
56 Smith baptisms from 1791-12-01 to 1894-12-07
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