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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Stoughton (Sussex) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Stoughton in Sussex. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Chase 28 Chase burials from 1702-04-03 to 1901-09-04
29 Chase marriages from 1787-05-02 to 1893-03-23
63 Chase baptisms from 1739-09-30 to 1862-02-23
Hedgecock 30 Hedgecock burials from 1746-04-02 to 1877-07-23
27 Hedgecock marriages from 1755-11-21 to 1856-12-20
106 Hedgecock baptisms from 1736-09-02 to 1872-01-21
Hotston 14 Hotston burials from 1792-01-25 to 1855-07-05
58 Hotston marriages from 1754-06-03 to 1822-06-01
44 Hotston baptisms from 1792-01-22 to 1837-02-26
Mills 12 Mills burials from 1830-02-15 to 1898-08-03
29 Mills marriages from 1790-12-13 to 1891-01-11
87 Mills baptisms from 1820-03-19 to 1877-09-23
Parvin 25 Parvin burials from 1788-04-13 to 1883-05-06
10 Parvin marriages from 1760-10-18 to 1875-10-23
85 Parvin baptisms from 1748-06-12 to 1870-05-22
Pett 15 Pett burials from 1820-03-21 to 1862-02-09
9 Pett marriages from 1823-07-09 to 1865-12-02
81 Pett baptisms from 1789-08-30 to 1840-09-26
Porter 52 Porter burials from 1675-12-23 to 1899-08-12
32 Porter marriages from 1754-05-14 to 1894-06-30
203 Porter baptisms from 1675-12-23 to 1877-09-30
Silvester 22 Silvester burials from 1801-04-14 to 1891-02-13
38 Silvester marriages from 1704-06-29 to 1897-05-01
79 Silvester baptisms from 1783-03-30 to 1877-03-25
Warrington 19 Warrington burials from 1819-04-25 to 1901-07-24
18 Warrington marriages from 1815-08-02 to 1897-08-21
96 Warrington baptisms from 1777-08-27 to 1878-01-13
Wheeler 31 Wheeler burials from 1678-02-24 to 1815-02-22
7 Wheeler marriages from 1678-07-02 to 1779-10-24
67 Wheeler baptisms from 1676-06-04 to 1789-10-04
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