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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Shermanbury (Sussex) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Shermanbury in Sussex. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Davey 16 Davey burials from 1766-05-04 to 1875-05-09
47 Davey marriages from 1766-04-10 to 1900-09-01
174 Davey baptisms from 1685-09-27 to 1897-08-22
Dewdney 24 Dewdney burials from 1803-10-19 to 1914-06-15
45 Dewdney marriages from 1802-06-05 to 1884-01-05
159 Dewdney baptisms from 1803-03-20 to 1892-07-15
Fairs 9 Fairs burials from 1808-05-01 to 1875-05-23
15 Fairs marriages from 1822-02-10 to 1900-10-13
93 Fairs baptisms from 1797-12-03 to 1901-09-08
Fowler 13 Fowler burials from 1798-04-09 to 1870-02-26
32 Fowler marriages from 1792-01-27 to 1871-04-11
100 Fowler baptisms from 1698-01-09 to 1864-12-04
Glazebrook 10 Glazebrook burials from 1757-02-08 to 1886-06-29
19 Glazebrook marriages from 1840-12-01 to 1890-03-09
90 Glazebrook baptisms from 1752-05-* to 1893-02-05
Jupp 13 Jupp burials from 1675-*-* to 1854-11-20
22 Jupp marriages from 1671-02-28 to 1863-11-16
69 Jupp baptisms from 1672-03-14 to 1876-01-16
King 27 King burials from 1828-07-25 to 1906-02-17
43 King marriages from 1792-10-30 to 1891-06-21
184 King baptisms from 1826-02-24 to 1891-11-29
Knapp 12 Knapp burials from 1854-02-23 to 1893-01-11
17 Knapp marriages from 1828-05-27 to 1895-11-23
93 Knapp baptisms from 1820-11-26 to 1898-05-08
Knight 16 Knight burials from 1747-05-17 to 1870-09-21
28 Knight marriages from 1733-05-20 to 1900-10-13
194 Knight baptisms from 1747-04-11 to 1867-06-02
Mathews 13 Mathews burials from 1757-05-03 to 1862-03-01
10 Mathews marriages from 1791-09-04 to 1863-11-16
86 Mathews baptisms from 1706-02-07 to 1865-10-01
Matthews 20 Matthews burials from 1714-05-14 to 1886-01-28
38 Matthews marriages from 1738-04-06 to 1899-06-24
181 Matthews baptisms from 1739-06-22 to 1901-02-17
Mitchell 17 Mitchell burials from 1808-03-27 to 1913-03-13
18 Mitchell marriages from 1779-07-16 to 1894-06-27
66 Mitchell baptisms from 1779-01-31 to 1888-06-10
Nye 17 Nye burials from 1790-04-05 to 1861-08-28
12 Nye marriages from 1750-04-17 to 1844-10-24
91 Nye baptisms from 1751-01-20 to 1901-05-05
Peacock 6 Peacock burials from 1808-07-13 to 1875-11-17
40 Peacock marriages from 1776-03-03 to 1901-01-24
63 Peacock baptisms from 1797-07-09 to 1883-09-23
Sayers 26 Sayers burials from 1782-01-21 to 1884-12-11
67 Sayers marriages from 1734-04-15 to 1896-06-29
188 Sayers baptisms from 1761-01-30 to 1901-03-03
Silsby 22 Silsby burials from 1708-12-18 to 1824-02-08
32 Silsby marriages from 1729-06-03 to 1890-09-16
130 Silsby baptisms from 1730-01-04 to 1823-09-21
Stenning 23 Stenning burials from 1790-04-01 to 1892-12-30
29 Stenning marriages from 1770-06-24 to 1881-02-21
134 Stenning baptisms from 1774-01-16 to 1890-04-27
Walder 8 Walder burials from 1803-04-02 to 1838-06-15
23 Walder marriages from 1733-06-14 to 1891-07-04
73 Walder baptisms from 1782-09-24 to 1853-06-26
Wheeler 14 Wheeler burials from 1831-08-10 to 1884-03-18
13 Wheeler marriages from 1725-11-11 to 1881-05-07
111 Wheeler baptisms from 1779-03-25 to 1888-01-08
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