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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Northchapel (Sussex) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Northchapel in Sussex. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Adsett 17 Adsett burials from 1807-04-24 to 1895-04-06
28 Adsett marriages from 1806-08-12 to 1891-10-03
121 Adsett baptisms from 1794-04-27 to 1896-03-01
Ayling 25 Ayling burials from 1783-06-19 to 1900-05-31
50 Ayling marriages from 1770-12-06 to 1897-11-06
139 Ayling baptisms from 1773-09-26 to 1898-09-04
Baker 52 Baker burials from 1719-08-23 to 1898-09-17
92 Baker marriages from 1735-05-25 to 1900-07-28
243 Baker baptisms from 1724-02-09 to 1900-03-04
Barnes 7 Barnes burials from 1811-02-10 to 1897-06-03
11 Barnes marriages from 1792-03-04 to 1865-03-30
84 Barnes baptisms from 1772-02-23 to 1870-08-07
Boxall 50 Boxall burials from 1722-08-24 to 1898-12-08
67 Boxall marriages from 1722-04-30 to 1899-12-16
186 Boxall baptisms from 1723-03-03 to 1899-09-26
Brooker 23 Brooker burials from 1787-03-30 to 1894-05-12
36 Brooker marriages from 1736-01-21 to 1890-08-14
141 Brooker baptisms from 1775-01-01 to 1889-07-07
Bryder 18 Bryder burials from 1799-02-11 to 1898-05-21
67 Bryder marriages from 1794-12-11 to 1892-12-24
167 Bryder baptisms from 1790-06-09 to 1901-01-06
Challen 9 Challen burials from 1848-07-26 to 1901-01-07
10 Challen marriages from 1837-03-16 to 1868-02-22
84 Challen baptisms from 1828-12-14 to 1894-12-02
Cooper 30 Cooper burials from 1776-03-01 to 1893-03-08
34 Cooper marriages from 1751-01-01 to 1896-09-05
97 Cooper baptisms from 1777-02-07 to 1887-08-07
Hall 5 Hall burials from 1781-02-22 to 1891-08-26
48 Hall marriages from 1763-10-09 to 1895-02-09
69 Hall baptisms from 1824-08-01 to 1891-05-27
Hill 42 Hill burials from 1767-10-19 to 1895-07-12
48 Hill marriages from 1763-11-06 to 1891-07-18
240 Hill baptisms from 1744-12-13 to 1898-01-02
Holden 54 Holden burials from 1744-04-14 to 1897-09-07
96 Holden marriages from 1739-12-22 to 1898-05-14
380 Holden baptisms from 1740-08-24 to 1900-07-01
Hunt 30 Hunt burials from 1768-06-29 to 1899-08-14
27 Hunt marriages from 1794-12-28 to 1898-05-14
174 Hunt baptisms from 1732-11-06 to 1892-03-06
Johnson 81 Johnson burials from 1735-09-30 to 1900-12-29
189 Johnson marriages from 1754-12-17 to 1898-08-27
424 Johnson baptisms from 1718-01-02 to 1899-09-03
Keen 37 Keen burials from 1746-08-31 to 1897-02-24
33 Keen marriages from 1744-11-29 to 1865-09-02
104 Keen baptisms from 1745-09-11 to 1862-12-07
Keene 17 Keene burials from 1789-11-04 to 1855-04-07
16 Keene marriages from 1762-05-11 to 1862-03-01
152 Keene baptisms from 1719-06-15 to 1859-11-06
Luff 22 Luff burials from 1768-03-01 to 1873-11-18
31 Luff marriages from 1768-05-31 to 1892-12-24
120 Luff baptisms from 1733-08-20 to 1900-10-03
Mann 35 Mann burials from 1783-11-11 to 1898-07-11
40 Mann marriages from 1777-11-04 to 1900-07-28
158 Mann baptisms from 1778-09-19 to 1885-05-03
Marner 6 Marner burials from 1771-03-01 to 1816-05-31
11 Marner marriages from 1767-05-12 to 1836-11-16
86 Marner baptisms from 1768-06-26 to 1827-07-22
Newman 60 Newman burials from 1730-09-21 to 1895-02-16
85 Newman marriages from 1722-09-16 to 1896-07-25
387 Newman baptisms from 1723-07-14 to 1881-08-14
Payne 19 Payne burials from 1726-11-23 to 1896-01-06
25 Payne marriages from 1773-04-12 to 1865-05-04
69 Payne baptisms from 1722-12-22 to 1892-06-05
Pullen 35 Pullen burials from 1727-06-07 to 1882-05-16
41 Pullen marriages from 1763-10-09 to 1891-04-18
252 Pullen baptisms from 1727-10-01 to 1899-03-05
Puttick 19 Puttick burials from 1722-12-03 to 1896-02-12
18 Puttick marriages from 1768-08-16 to 1887-04-16
80 Puttick baptisms from 1724-03-01 to 1877-06-10
Remnant 19 Remnant burials from 1753-02-18 to 1873-09-05
15 Remnant marriages from 1837-10-10 to 1885-12-28
77 Remnant baptisms from 1749-02-12 to 1900-10-07
Sadler 14 Sadler burials from 1721-09-01 to 1900-05-09
41 Sadler marriages from 1842-11-06 to 1898-05-28
158 Sadler baptisms from 1777-05-25 to 1900-04-24
Smith 21 Smith burials from 1742-01-11 to 1869-03-09
31 Smith marriages from 1748-05-12 to 1859-10-20
116 Smith baptisms from 1741-12-27 to 1895-05-05
Spooner 10 Spooner burials from 1746-10-13 to 1874-05-16
34 Spooner marriages from 1737-03-04 to 1891-04-30
124 Spooner baptisms from 1739-05-05 to 1892-09-04
Standing 7 Standing burials from 1844-07-05 to 1889-03-03
36 Standing marriages from 1777-08-24 to 1896-10-03
113 Standing baptisms from 1817-03-09 to 1898-08-29
Southin 21 Southin burials from 1752-02-02 to 1892-06-30
30 Southin marriages from 1763-10-09 to 1898-08-01
99 Southin baptisms from 1744-04-14 to 1898-06-05
Stemp 11 Stemp burials from 1844-07-30 to 1901-05-22
32 Stemp marriages from 1818-05-03 to 1895-04-27
112 Stemp baptisms from 1817-03-09 to 1899-01-01