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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Linchmere (Sussex) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Linchmere in Sussex. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Berry 27 Berry burials from 1787-01-22 to 1898-03-16
60 Berry marriages from 1635-07-01 to 1879-05-17
191 Berry baptisms from 1788-11-09 to 1901-06-16
Boxall 21 Boxall burials from 1601-01-30 to 1838-12-18
19 Boxall marriages from 1628-06-09 to 1880-10-09
99 Boxall baptisms from 1601-01-18 to 1894-10-21
Cobb 13 Cobb burials from 1813-04-17 to 1876-08-20
14 Cobb marriages from 1765-04-16 to 1855-01-08
80 Cobb baptisms from 1588-08-04 to 1887-07-19
Combes 23 Combes burials from 1568-08-* to 1865-09-10
13 Combes marriages from 1676-09-29 to 1889-10-26
116 Combes baptisms from 1593-04-22 to 1858-08-08
Cover 17 Cover burials from 1659-03-12 to 1773-04-08
9 Cover marriages from 1645-04-21 to 1774-07-06
78 Cover baptisms from 1628-04-30 to 1834-06-15
Denyer 29 Denyer burials from 1694-04-16 to 1862-04-09
16 Denyer marriages from 1600-06-19 to 1892-10-02
114 Denyer baptisms from 1682-12-02 to 1900-03-04
Etherington 15 Etherington burials from 1762-02-13 to 1897-05-29
13 Etherington marriages from 1607-11-30 to 1895-05-18
78 Etherington baptisms from 1700-11-07 to 1894-09-09
Farminer 30 Farminer burials from 1664-05-01 to 1898-03-20
45 Farminer marriages from 1819-10-11 to 1887-04-23
152 Farminer baptisms from 1632-01-* to 1898-06-19
Harding 29 Harding burials from 1791-04-08 to 1901-11-09
37 Harding marriages from 1670-11-10 to 1896-04-18
193 Harding baptisms from 1784-03-28 to 1896-09-27
Luff 60 Luff burials from 1568-05-17 to 1896-06-28
68 Luff marriages from 1644-11-25 to 1887-07-11
214 Luff baptisms from 1596-12-12 to 1895-06-09
Madgwick 31 Madgwick burials from 1789-02-01 to 1898-01-14
42 Madgwick marriages from 1782-08-01 to 1899-05-24
216 Madgwick baptisms from 1780-02-20 to 1894-09-23
Moorey 13 Moorey burials from 1828-08-31 to 1885-10-12
3 Moorey marriages from 1813-04-29 to 1857-12-31
110 Moorey baptisms from 1778-11-25 to 1882-02-05
Morley 15 Morley burials from 1757-07-30 to 1873-07-09
56 Morley marriages from 1755-03-17 to 1876-03-23
58 Morley baptisms from 1745-08-04 to 1883-07-08
Rapley 27 Rapley burials from 1652-02-10 to 1883-03-15
14 Rapley marriages from 1625-06-16 to 1850-03-17
101 Rapley baptisms from 1632-12-15 to 1846-02-15
Roe 16 Roe burials from 1810-01-20 to 1902-01-04
20 Roe marriages from 1824-04-24 to 1893-11-11
95 Roe baptisms from 1767-12-28 to 1894-09-09
Shotter 62 Shotter burials from 1577-08-21 to 1899-01-14
24 Shotter marriages from 1577-05-09 to 1896-09-19
176 Shotter baptisms from 1579-*-* to 1887-10-23
Smith 20 Smith burials from 1571-03-27 to 1886-03-13
24 Smith marriages from 1756-01-18 to 1893-10-28
77 Smith baptisms from 1605-11-16 to 1897-05-24
Stacey 14 Stacey burials from 1764-05-21 to 1886-10-09
34 Stacey marriages from 1820-04-19 to 1899-09-30
75 Stacey baptisms from 1793-05-19 to 1901-01-13
Stilwell 28 Stilwell burials from 1608-07-12 to 1897-03-18
20 Stilwell marriages from 1645-07-14 to 1882-11-16
87 Stilwell baptisms from 1601-10-18 to 1876-06-11
Voller 9 Voller burials from 1808-10-13 to 1879-11-08
32 Voller marriages from 1646-06-13 to 1897-11-10
82 Voller baptisms from 1592-05-19 to 1890-06-01
Wheeler 19 Wheeler burials from 1658-01-22 to 1898-04-07
38 Wheeler marriages from 1802-10-12 to 1897-04-10
113 Wheeler baptisms from 1810-06-10 to 1893-07-23
White 37 White burials from 1757-12-01 to 1895-02-04
25 White marriages from 1646-05-19 to 1899-09-30
215 White baptisms from 1646-12-06 to 1899-12-31
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