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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Catsfield (Sussex) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Catsfield in Sussex. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Adams 42 Adams burials from 1745-12-10 to 1893-04-26
55 Adams marriages from 1767-03-16 to 1874-07-15
213 Adams baptisms from 1749-03-29 to 1870-07-03
Blackman 31 Blackman burials from 1735-07-11 to 1896-01-02
42 Blackman marriages from 1760-04-06 to 1877-09-26
175 Blackman baptisms from 1736-02-01 to 1878-10-06
Crouch 34 Crouch burials from 1811-04-14 to 1898-10-31
42 Crouch marriages from 1742-04-13 to 1860-12-25
154 Crouch baptisms from 1790-11-28 to 1873-11-02
Hollands 21 Hollands burials from 1793-04-30 to 1892-01-29
16 Hollands marriages from 1754-04-18 to 1873-11-03
102 Hollands baptisms from 1787-08-14 to 1869-10-03
Kenward 11 Kenward burials from 1823-03-16 to 1898-06-02
32 Kenward marriages from 1802-11-17 to 1879-03-12
123 Kenward baptisms from 1811-12-01 to 1879-11-02
May 22 May burials from 1743-01-10 to 1899-05-15
49 May marriages from 1756-12-26 to 1879-11-02
100 May baptisms from 1739-08-05 to 1861-07-06
Quaife 35 Quaife burials from 1780-05-25 to 1898-12-06
71 Quaife marriages from 1758-07-06 to 1868-05-22
203 Quaife baptisms from 1794-07-25 to 1862-02-02
Ransom 26 Ransom burials from 1762-10-14 to 1898-11-24
28 Ransom marriages from 1795-04-06 to 1881-03-26
139 Ransom baptisms from 1779-09-05 to 1880-11-07
Saxby 26 Saxby burials from 1750-03-15 to 1900-04-16
29 Saxby marriages from 1744-03-29 to 1879-07-31
140 Saxby baptisms from 1744-06-10 to 1880-09-05
Sheather 25 Sheather burials from 1810-04-20 to 1895-10-23
33 Sheather marriages from 1803-10-01 to 1876-08-29
118 Sheather baptisms from 1809-04-16 to 1873-04-02
Sinden 40 Sinden burials from 1763-02-10 to 1891-01-20
56 Sinden marriages from 1756-12-26 to 1876-11-28
198 Sinden baptisms from 1757-02-03 to 1881-02-06
Wait 9 Wait burials from 1778-10-27 to 1895-11-13
32 Wait marriages from 1773-05-16 to 1874-12-25
68 Wait baptisms from 1743-01-13 to 1880-09-05
Waite 17 Waite burials from 1830-08-14 to 1893-10-11
21 Waite marriages from 1770-11-07 to 1876-02-17
82 Waite baptisms from 1754-05-04 to 1879-04-06
Webb 22 Webb burials from 1734-07-25 to 1890-05-07
7 Webb marriages from 1737-04-11 to 1837-02-27
77 Webb baptisms from 1734-07-21 to 1866-04-01
Whiting 22 Whiting burials from 1748-01-02 to 1853-08-23
29 Whiting marriages from 1743-*-* to 1846-09-22
81 Whiting baptisms from 1759-03-18 to 1860-02-05
Wrenn 17 Wrenn burials from 1831-11-14 to 1900-06-02
26 Wrenn marriages from 1772-08-26 to 1862-09-03
66 Wrenn baptisms from 1824-07-18 to 1866-09-02
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