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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Balcombe (Sussex) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Balcombe in Sussex. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Backshall 27 Backshall burials from 1818-02-16 to 1900-07-03
56 Backshall marriages from 1818-01-01 to 1897-07-26
157 Backshall baptisms from 1818-02-12 to 1884-06-29
Bourne 40 Bourne burials from 1777-05-19 to 1899-10-12
24 Bourne marriages from 1783-05-08 to 1898-08-20
163 Bourne baptisms from 1768-10-13 to 1900-11-25
Botting 37 Botting burials from 1814-03-11 to 1899-09-19
71 Botting marriages from 1656-05-06 to 1899-11-25
275 Botting baptisms from 1813-11-22 to 1902-01-26
Bourn 38 Bourn burials from 1780-03-13 to 1868-03-29
101 Bourn marriages from 1764-09-18 to 1899-08-06
275 Bourn baptisms from 1770-06-11 to 1880-08-02
Chatfield 43 Chatfield burials from 1566-03-11 to 1896-04-20
8 Chatfield marriages from 1541-05-02 to 1857-05-02
68 Chatfield baptisms from 1694-04-15 to 1896-04-14
Comber 43 Comber burials from 1542-07-25 to 1891-01-09
34 Comber marriages from 1551-04-30 to 1889-02-23
158 Comber baptisms from 1543-04-24 to 1848-10-24
Constable 43 Constable burials from 1777-10-02 to 1897-10-16
78 Constable marriages from 1720-09-29 to 1898-04-16
216 Constable baptisms from 1721-07-30 to 1902-06-29
Dench 27 Dench burials from 1790-08-08 to 1881-04-18
26 Dench marriages from 1692-03-31 to 1899-08-24
140 Dench baptisms from 1639-03-17 to 1882-12-31
Faulconer 45 Faulconer burials from 1558-10-22 to 1838-03-19
14 Faulconer marriages from 1577-11-03 to 1793-09-24
109 Faulconer baptisms from 1566-*-* to 1804-09-23
Gibb 38 Gibb burials from 1675-12-17 to 1885-08-03
36 Gibb marriages from 1634-05-12 to 1876-01-29
117 Gibb baptisms from 1642-01-02 to 1882-05-31
Henley 24 Henley burials from 1818-06-05 to 1900-01-10
38 Henley marriages from 1814-09-28 to 1894-04-26
169 Henley baptisms from 1800-10-19 to 1901-02-24
Holman 11 Holman burials from 1809-12-30 to 1894-01-31
24 Holman marriages from 1783-10-06 to 1890-07-14
82 Holman baptisms from 1572-03-* to 1903-09-27
Ireland 29 Ireland burials from 1828-06-21 to 1898-09-27
40 Ireland marriages from 1700-05-07 to 1889-12-21
147 Ireland baptisms from 1813-12-12 to 1892-06-26
Jeffery 21 Jeffery burials from 1705-02-03 to 1899-07-28
38 Jeffery marriages from 1746-04-08 to 1898-10-05
136 Jeffery baptisms from 1697-06-* to 1902-09-28
Jennings 5 Jennings burials from 1696-05-06 to 1884-12-11
8 Jennings marriages from 1853-01-29 to 1878-07-22
95 Jennings baptisms from 1847-05-23 to 1893-10-29
Kenward 8 Kenward burials from 1848-07-03 to 1881-12-28
9 Kenward marriages from 1848-10-31 to 1898-04-16
84 Kenward baptisms from 1846-03-01 to 1902-03-30
Marchant 51 Marchant burials from 1763-07-08 to 1892-02-05
97 Marchant marriages from 1680-05-18 to 1899-11-25
317 Marchant baptisms from 1734-09-21 to 1896-06-28
Mitchell 33 Mitchell burials from 1787-02-13 to 1898-07-26
31 Mitchell marriages from 1807-10-27 to 1892-09-13
148 Mitchell baptisms from 1703-07-01 to 1898-07-31
Newnham 18 Newnham burials from 1598-03-02 to 1899-01-10
36 Newnham marriages from 1566-06-02 to 1899-12-22
77 Newnham baptisms from 1540-03-27 to 1900-05-27
Potter 19 Potter burials from 1685-09-11 to 1851-03-30
25 Potter marriages from 1645-05-28 to 1826-07-23
90 Potter baptisms from 1667-02-03 to 1843-10-08
Rapley 22 Rapley burials from 1776-01-18 to 1899-04-07
34 Rapley marriages from 1775-05-22 to 1897-12-11
108 Rapley baptisms from 1776-06-23 to 1889-11-24
Smith 47 Smith burials from 1593-04-06 to 1890-09-10
55 Smith marriages from 1578-09-06 to 1899-12-25
170 Smith baptisms from 1552-08-02 to 1891-06-28
Stedman 53 Stedman burials from 1695-05-05 to 1895-08-26
42 Stedman marriages from 1728-04-23 to 1880-06-24
226 Stedman baptisms from 1674-02-02 to 1868-11-29
Steele 13 Steele burials from 1806-10-23 to 1894-02-28
41 Steele marriages from 1797-01-19 to 1883-07-28
70 Steele baptisms from 1798-05-27 to 1893-03-26
Steadman 18 Steadman burials from 1754-06-17 to 1894-04-14
24 Steadman marriages from 1756-10-26 to 1886-06-26
63 Steadman baptisms from 1754-02-24 to 1888-10-28
Streeter 15 Streeter burials from 1668-01-15 to 1896-08-15
31 Streeter marriages from 1770-04-30 to 1899-08-06
97 Streeter baptisms from 1667-06-30 to 1901-10-27
Tasker 30 Tasker burials from 1639-02-10 to 1819-02-28
9 Tasker marriages from 1630-01-13 to 1785-01-23
105 Tasker baptisms from 1628-02-24 to 1784-07-01
Tester 96 Tester burials from 1730-06-09 to 1900-06-27
107 Tester marriages from 1739-08-06 to 1899-12-22
621 Tester baptisms from 1708-06-16 to 1903-08-30
Turner 34 Turner burials from 1540-02-23 to 1901-03-18
51 Turner marriages from 1687-01-05 to 1895-04-29
169 Turner baptisms from 1541-06-* to 1900-09-30
Upton 24 Upton burials from 1742-03-16 to 1892-09-07
46 Upton marriages from 1793-07-28 to 1892-09-13
176 Upton baptisms from 1566-*-* to 1898-03-27
Webber 21 Webber burials from 1788-02-05 to 1893-12-14
10 Webber marriages from 1775-11-09 to 1896-05-25
92 Webber baptisms from 1783-02-22 to 1896-03-29
White 26 White burials from 1544-02-04 to 1880-04-06
13 White marriages from 1636-09-22 to 1890-05-30
73 White baptisms from 1552-03-25 to 1896-03-23
Wood 66 Wood burials from 1566-12-21 to 1886-03-19
64 Wood marriages from 1569-02-25 to 1894-04-26
313 Wood baptisms from 1573-02-15 to 1902-03-30
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