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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Shalford (Surrey) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Shalford in Surrey. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Baker 138 Baker burials from 1569-08-07 to 1830-*-19
222 Baker baptisms from 1564-10-23 to 1840-02-11
Balchin 137 Balchin burials from 1570-01-08 to 1825-*-26
90 Balchin baptisms from 1639-07-28 to 1835-07-05
Collis 46 Collis burials from 1637-05-04 to 1837-06-15
59 Collis baptisms from 1669-03-21 to 1831-06-05
Chitty 55 Chitty burials from 1604-02-08 to 1724-03-15
60 Chitty baptisms from 1591-10-28 to 1799-12-01
Edwards 29 Edwards burials from 1585-01-15 to 1838-07-03
182 Edwards baptisms from 1724-11-05 to 1840-12-27
Davis 52 Davis burials from 1661-03-17 to 1840-*-25
126 Davis baptisms from 1663-09-14 to 1840-06-28
Grover 50 Grover burials from 1566-03-30 to 1675-06-28
57 Grover baptisms from 1565-01-06 to 1727-03-02
Heath 25 Heath burials from 1609-03-24 to 1836-*-17
84 Heath baptisms from 1637-10-22 to 1840-12-06
Punter 104 Punter burials from 1585-03-20 to 1785-10-27
37 Punter baptisms from 1655-09-18 to 1785-08-21
Lee 49 Lee burials from 1584-02-11 to 1827-05-06
60 Lee baptisms from 1584-02-11 to 1792-12-23
Parson 39 Parson burials from 1559-07-28 to 1703-12-01
108 Parson baptisms from 1565-03-07 to 1673-08-17
Street 61 Street burials from 1612-05-01 to 1839-11-23
153 Street baptisms from 1608-01-03 to 1840-08-16
Smith 60 Smith burials from 1567-01-02 to 1818-01-17
102 Smith baptisms from 1611-11-17 to 1840-03-08
Whitbourn 48 Whitbourn burials from 1711-09-26 to 1828-05-07
72 Whitbourn baptisms from 1707-02-13 to 1840-05-26
Tickner 97 Tickner burials from 1592-09-28 to 1825-*-26
102 Tickner baptisms from 1592-11-22 to 1790-08-15
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