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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Ston Easton (Somerset) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Ston Easton in Somerset. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Brown 43 Brown burials from 1802-07-10 to 1917-06-14
42 Brown marriages from 1805-12-23 to 1914-10-08
275 Brown baptisms from 1804-04-08 to 1910-05-01
Chard 16 Chard burials from 1829-10-25 to 1907-04-05
24 Chard marriages from 1826-12-27 to 1915-11-02
147 Chard baptisms from 1825-01-09 to 1893-07-23
Chapman 13 Chapman burials from 1814-01-13 to 1906-10-24
14 Chapman marriages from 1825-04-21 to 1914-10-22
75 Chapman baptisms from 1805-05-12 to 1867-04-07
Carpenter 27 Carpenter burials from 1825-07-17 to 1905-10-20
21 Carpenter marriages from 1825-04-21 to 1912-12-26
126 Carpenter baptisms from 1816-10-13 to 1897-04-25
Elford 27 Elford burials from 1595-01-25 to 1912-03-20
13 Elford marriages from 1819-03-27 to 1915-04-05
124 Elford baptisms from 1596-04-11 to 1912-03-13
Ham 19 Ham burials from 1805-05-23 to 1914-02-04
9 Ham marriages from 1812-05-05 to 1843-08-29
107 Ham baptisms from 1802-09-12 to 1914-12-06
Holbrook 17 Holbrook burials from 1805-05-04 to 1885-08-06
12 Holbrook marriages from 1810-06-24 to 1860-02-25
76 Holbrook baptisms from 1803-10-09 to 1871-05-14
Horler 13 Horler burials from 1840-04-08 to 1894-10-15
12 Horler marriages from 1841-07-05 to 1892-02-10
90 Horler baptisms from 1804-07-22 to 1858-12-19
Kingman 23 Kingman burials from 1818-11-16 to 1894-10-12
25 Kingman marriages from 1817-09-14 to 1914-10-08
174 Kingman baptisms from 1817-12-25 to 1902-03-30
Lye 10 Lye burials from 1813-04-29 to 1908-04-22
14 Lye marriages from 1826-04-23 to 1864-10-04
78 Lye baptisms from 1640-03-08 to 1909-03-07
Robbins 33 Robbins burials from 1803-12-09 to 1904-03-15
43 Robbins marriages from 1805-06-22 to 1916-01-04
131 Robbins baptisms from 1802-05-02 to 1902-07-27
Roberts 26 Roberts burials from 1808-03-28 to 1903-01-31
14 Roberts marriages from 1805-01-01 to 1915-04-14
69 Roberts baptisms from 1735-02-02 to 1887-09-11
Wilcox 37 Wilcox burials from 1813-05-11 to 1904-01-19
15 Wilcox marriages from 1813-12-02 to 1874-10-08
130 Wilcox baptisms from 1623-10-23 to 1868-07-26
Willcox 46 Willcox burials from 1669-07-07 to 1899-04-28
30 Willcox marriages from 1805-01-01 to 1898-05-04
53 Willcox baptisms from 1667-05-05 to 1886-08-29
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