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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Middle Chinnock (Somerset) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Middle Chinnock in Somerset. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Buckrell 12 Buckrell burials from 1768-*-* to 1877-10-13
12 Buckrell marriages from 1756-06-30 to 1835-11-14
95 Buckrell baptisms from 1757-06-13 to 1890-01-05
Chant 14 Chant burials from 1791-03-13 to 1888-07-08
5 Chant marriages from 1732-10-* to 1827-03-31
98 Chant baptisms from 1713-02-12 to 1890-10-05
Hockey 26 Hockey burials from 1793-05-19 to 1885-01-03
10 Hockey marriages from 1789-04-13 to 1832-05-12
156 Hockey baptisms from 1802-02-07 to 1891-08-30
Holland 47 Holland burials from 1729-11-30 to 1868-06-05
10 Holland marriages from 1717-05-21 to 1810-01-17
113 Holland baptisms from 1696-05-19 to 1846-04-05
Mudford 28 Mudford burials from 1803-02-24 to 1885-01-06
12 Mudford marriages from 1759-05-06 to 1837-12-19
72 Mudford baptisms from 1794-03-* to 1885-11-22
Patten 35 Patten burials from 1697-11-16 to 1869-03-23
19 Patten marriages from 1711-10-22 to 1833-09-18
92 Patten baptisms from 1697-05-24 to 1887-02-27
Strong 29 Strong burials from 1786-09-24 to 1889-03-21
8 Strong marriages from 1726-07-04 to 1834-12-31
67 Strong baptisms from 1701-01-* to 1863-01-18
Templeman 34 Templeman burials from 1756-02-06 to 1862-01-25
41 Templeman marriages from 1750-08-01 to 1835-11-14
80 Templeman baptisms from 1762-08-24 to 1841-03-16
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