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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Lovington (Somerset) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Lovington in Somerset. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Clarke 65 Clarke burials from 1679-01-21 to 1798-04-01
24 Clarke marriages from 1685-05-14 to 1792-07-19
48 Clarke baptisms from 1716-06-27 to 1765-01-02
Clare 35 Clare burials from 1729-12-16 to 1894-07-07
38 Clare marriages from 1771-03-31 to 1898-09-06
110 Clare baptisms from 1727-02-23 to 1886-12-25
Coopper 15 Coopper burials from 1723-06-15 to 1847-11-30
26 Coopper marriages from 1714-02-04 to 1839-04-02
73 Coopper baptisms from 1713-03-09 to 1850-12-22
Cooper 69 Cooper burials from 1679-05-10 to 1911-01-12
58 Cooper marriages from 1698-09-29 to 1908-01-28
209 Cooper baptisms from 1740-11-04 to 1879-06-08
Cook 56 Cook burials from 1729-10-16 to 1883-06-07
25 Cook marriages from 1756-02-04 to 1886-02-18
190 Cook baptisms from 1725-01-31 to 1863-10-18
Garland 38 Garland burials from 1679-08-22 to 1913-08-23
36 Garland marriages from 1716-01-02 to 1868-10-06
112 Garland baptisms from 1735-05-28 to 1879-01-12
Golledge 12 Golledge burials from 1858-05-05 to 1910-09-09
32 Golledge marriages from 1777-10-15 to 1917-08-07
64 Golledge baptisms from 1843-09-17 to 1883-05-13
Goodland 4 Goodland burials from 1859-09-01 to 1902-12-24
29 Goodland marriages from 1819-09-14 to 1898-05-02
74 Goodland baptisms from 1820-01-09 to 1919-08-10
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