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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Lamyatt (Somerset) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Lamyatt in Somerset. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Andrews 42 Andrews burials from 1634-09-10 to 1871-03-05
14 Andrews marriages from 1653-09-19 to 1900-01-01
76 Andrews baptisms from 1737-02-28 to 1847-04-18
Dorvil 39 Dorvil burials from 1726-12-26 to 1854-05-16
37 Dorvil marriages from 1717-11-05 to 1823-02-06
89 Dorvil baptisms from 1718-10-20 to 1860-10-14
Garland 30 Garland burials from 1632-06-09 to 1919-03-05
39 Garland marriages from 1791-12-25 to 1912-09-25
147 Garland baptisms from 1625-08-19 to 1919-07-06
Hix 30 Hix burials from 1633-08-15 to 1910-10-17
13 Hix marriages from 1630-01-14 to 1912-09-25
95 Hix baptisms from 1643-06-03 to 1865-07-03
Hole 80 Hole burials from 1634-11-14 to 1910-07-26
53 Hole marriages from 1618-12-10 to 1899-08-08
271 Hole baptisms from 1629-12-18 to 1879-09-07
Ivileafe 46 Ivileafe burials from 1630-04-13 to 1754-03-21
7 Ivileafe marriages from 1617-11-24 to 1727-04-04
69 Ivileafe baptisms from 1608-10-09 to 1703-06-27
Shepherd 19 Shepherd burials from 1793-04-02 to 1914-03-30
15 Shepherd marriages from 1811-06-16 to 1901-06-18
79 Shepherd baptisms from 1812-11-07 to 1917-03-04
White 97 White burials from 1714-05-21 to 1890-10-01
75 White marriages from 1702-04-05 to 1919-12-10
293 White baptisms from 1700-08-27 to 1909-01-03
Williams 73 Williams burials from 1660-06-* to 1912-01-20
60 Williams marriages from 1701-06-09 to 1878-03-03
264 Williams baptisms from 1647-09-05 to 1865-01-01
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