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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Heathfield (Taunton) (Somerset) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Heathfield (Taunton) in Somerset. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Brown 14 Brown burials from 1829-09-27 to 1904-03-26
17 Brown marriages from 1816-06-24 to 1882-09-28
131 Brown baptisms from 1798-03-18 to 1892-10-16
Chidzey 20 Chidzey burials from 1797-01-29 to 1886-05-15
18 Chidzey marriages from 1795-08-03 to 1879-09-15
198 Chidzey baptisms from 1765-11-10 to 1892-03-27
Jennings 35 Jennings burials from 1747-02-10 to 1871-09-27
32 Jennings marriages from 1723-05-10 to 1866-07-26
153 Jennings baptisms from 1727-12-06 to 1850-11-26
Woolcott 42 Woolcott burials from 1636-10-09 to 1878-06-16
56 Woolcott marriages from 1758-04-22 to 1824-04-10
243 Woolcott baptisms from 1724-08-19 to 1842-08-07
Bodger 27 Bodger burials from 1789-04-29 to 1909-06-02
35 Bodger marriages from 1763-12-14 to 1916-03-29
189 Bodger baptisms from 1770-04-29 to 1906-02-13
Bond 62 Bond burials from 1715-08-21 to 1891-03-19
54 Bond marriages from 1721-01-16 to 1852-05-15
249 Bond baptisms from 1639-07-28 to 1878-06-30
Winter 12 Winter burials from 1859-07-17 to 1911-10-29
12 Winter marriages from 1725-05-* to 1869-11-04
137 Winter baptisms from 1809-12-24 to 1909-01-17
Tucker 18 Tucker burials from 1705-05-11 to 1782-06-28
12 Tucker marriages from 1719-05-14 to 1882-09-28
86 Tucker baptisms from 1703-05-2_ to 1905-02-12
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