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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Bickenhall (Somerset) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Bickenhall in Somerset. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Adams 11 Adams burials from 1797-01-01 to 1865-05-10
11 Adams marriages from 1779-02-02 to 1871-04-19
88 Adams baptisms from 1766-05-11 to 1877-08-08
Cozens 37 Cozens burials from 1782-10-11 to 1895-11-18
21 Cozens marriages from 1701-12-16 to 1879-02-25
114 Cozens baptisms from 1771-08-20 to 1894-06-17
Coleman 45 Coleman burials from 1751-02-06 to 1895-09-26
23 Coleman marriages from 1707-07-08 to 1836-11-15
170 Coleman baptisms from 1748-12-10 to 1892-09-04
Franklin 23 Franklin burials from 1749-10-13 to 1892-01-12
15 Franklin marriages from 1682-11-23 to 1852-02-28
81 Franklin baptisms from 1745-10-07 to 1865-01-29
Gange 25 Gange burials from 1776-07-08 to 1888-12-29
20 Gange marriages from 1759-09-13 to 1840-05-04
80 Gange baptisms from 1760-09-25 to 1885-05-01
Newton 24 Newton burials from 1773-02-10 to 1894-12-08
46 Newton marriages from 1686-01-14 to 1894-07-15
60 Newton baptisms from 1815-01-22 to 1896-12-25
Spiller 16 Spiller burials from 1828-05-11 to 1892-02-27
22 Spiller marriages from 1708-08-05 to 1898-10-20
105 Spiller baptisms from 1815-02-12 to 1870-03-06
Trump 20 Trump burials from 1756-04-11 to 1844-09-22
50 Trump marriages from 1721-04-10 to 1873-06-24
64 Trump baptisms from 1760-11-16 to 1888-12-25
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