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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Baltonsborough (Somerset) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Baltonsborough in Somerset. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Austin 15 Austin burials from 1801-12-09 to 1878-06-03
25 Austin marriages from 1581-04-27 to 1902-12-01
90 Austin baptisms from 1582-04-07 to 1848-12-26
Bartlett 35 Bartlett burials from 1544-11-02 to 1802-12-12
20 Bartlett marriages from 1546-05-05 to 1870-09-12
84 Bartlett baptisms from 1540-05-11 to 1765-05-07
Beavill 36 Beavill burials from 1574-04-07 to 1730-09-20
6 Beavill marriages from 1551-02-13 to 1732-08-02
99 Beavill baptisms from 1575-07-10 to 1735-04-21
Billing 35 Billing burials from 1680-04-20 to 1872-06-03
13 Billing marriages from 1687-10-13 to 1887-02-22
63 Billing baptisms from 1564-09-18 to 1779-03-13
Boole 47 Boole burials from 1568-02-24 to 1691-12-13
10 Boole marriages from 1549-05-12 to 1687-10-12
101 Boole baptisms from 1539-*-* to 1682-09-30
Brice 93 Brice burials from 1556-08-05 to 1819-02-07
4 Brice marriages from 1539-*-* to 1806-11-15
163 Brice baptisms from 1634-01-12 to 1788-01-13
Brooke 36 Brooke burials from 1577-06-29 to 1701-07-30
6 Brooke marriages from 1621-04-29 to 1686-*-*
90 Brooke baptisms from 1567-03-14 to 1664-03-06
Burge 62 Burge burials from 1701-11-16 to 1881-08-25
68 Burge marriages from 1699-05-01 to 1918-10-16
162 Burge baptisms from 1699-12-02 to 1851-06-04
Bush 57 Bush burials from 1731-01-26 to 1882-02-04
104 Bush marriages from 1730-08-02 to 1919-02-26
146 Bush baptisms from 1746-06-29 to 1848-07-28
Chamberlin 41 Chamberlin burials from 1700-03-31 to 1798-10-17
1 Chamberlin marriage from 1697-10-04 to 1697-10-04
69 Chamberlin baptisms from 1698-05-28 to 1763-06-05
Chapple 75 Chapple burials from 1651-12-18 to 1871-11-20
4 Chapple marriages from 1777-04-21 to 1815-05-27
139 Chapple baptisms from 1643-11-23 to 1852-05-02
Chappell 21 Chappell burials from 1541-04-04 to 1865-04-21
27 Chappell marriages from 1539-*-* to 1870-09-12
68 Chappell baptisms from 1544-06-07 to 1850-03-31
Close 85 Close burials from 1610-06-30 to 1880-02-19
75 Close marriages from 1617-11-03 to 1919-04-21
222 Close baptisms from 1605-06-15 to 1850-07-14
Collins 37 Collins burials from 1542-07-31 to 1881-02-22
19 Collins marriages from 1543-10-13 to 1871-12-28
84 Collins baptisms from 1542-07-20 to 1852-10-17
Cook 59 Cook burials from 1664-05-05 to 1850-07-19
14 Cook marriages from 1682-11-23 to 1805-06-03
116 Cook baptisms from 1650-12-06 to 1848-07-24
Corpe 107 Corpe burials from 1547-02-15 to 1865-11-20
18 Corpe marriages from 1540-06-02 to 1858-07-27
212 Corpe baptisms from 1540-02-24 to 1853-07-24
Creed 11 Creed burials from 1821-04-20 to 1881-11-08
25 Creed marriages from 1789-09-07 to 1873-04-22
111 Creed baptisms from 1790-10-03 to 1841-10-31
Gale 94 Gale burials from 1642-11-28 to 1876-05-18
14 Gale marriages from 1641-09-06 to 1863-05-14
135 Gale baptisms from 1642-11-06 to 1846-02-24
Gill 33 Gill burials from 1783-03-23 to 1881-08-25
26 Gill marriages from 1761-05-12 to 1918-03-24
101 Gill baptisms from 1767-11-08 to 1853-01-30
Goodson 64 Goodson burials from 1605-03-30 to 1880-10-30
63 Goodson marriages from 1541-06-26 to 1911-04-20
228 Goodson baptisms from 1599-04-28 to 1849-10-28
Gregory 29 Gregory burials from 1737-12-11 to 1878-02-27
14 Gregory marriages from 1544-06-18 to 1856-09-15
63 Gregory baptisms from 1572-09-08 to 1807-12-27
Grimsted 84 Grimsted burials from 1541-06-04 to 1768-03-10
14 Grimsted marriages from 1559-05-13 to 1795-10-26
218 Grimsted baptisms from 1541-08-27 to 1775-05-31
Higgens 208 Higgens burials from 1670-05-2_ to 1812-03-01
27 Higgens marriages from 1714-10-18 to 1799-12-16
393 Higgens baptisms from 1669-04-12 to 1812-03-29
Higgins 68 Higgins burials from 1665-03-24 to 1880-10-11
65 Higgins marriages from 1770-05-28 to 1894-08-22
237 Higgins baptisms from 1638-08-26 to 1853-09-11
Hodges 42 Hodges burials from 1573-11-23 to 1876-06-02
42 Hodges marriages from 1540-06-02 to 1899-12-12
68 Hodges baptisms from 1540-10-22 to 1852-11-08
Hooper 26 Hooper burials from 1570-10-06 to 1791-06-12
18 Hooper marriages from 1609-*-* to 1911