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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Walls (Shetland Isles) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Walls in Shetland Isles. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Georgeson 14 Georgeson burials from 1806-09-* to 1850-06-23
28 Georgeson marriages from 1795-11-26 to 1852-12-23
78 Georgeson baptisms from 1797-01-02 to 1854-11-08
Smith 41 Smith burials from 1798-01-24 to 1852-03-24
76 Smith marriages from 1781-08-26 to 1854-12-07
219 Smith baptisms from 1777-04-* to 1853-12-21
Henry 29 Henry burials from 1781-10-18 to 1853-04-28
51 Henry marriages from 1780-09-26 to 1852-12-30
147 Henry baptisms from 1781-08-10 to 1891-10-10
Tait 10 Tait burials from 1803-01-10 to 1853-12-30
32 Tait marriages from 1787-02-22 to 1855-01-04
105 Tait baptisms from 1780-11-06 to 1854-11-16
Jameson 20 Jameson burials from 1803-03-* to 1854-09-12
75 Jameson marriages from 1780-11-16 to 1833-12-05
167 Jameson baptisms from 1780-10-22 to 1831-10-06
Williamson 28 Williamson burials from 1803-03-02 to 1854-10-22
64 Williamson marriages from 1786-11-28 to 1854-12-28
227 Williamson baptisms from 1780-10-14 to 1854-12-03
Fraser 87 Fraser burials from 1796-05-25 to 1854-12-04
177 Fraser marriages from 1781-10-23 to 1853-12-08
573 Fraser baptisms from 1778-09-14 to 1854-10-15
Irvine 22 Irvine burials from 1803-01-* to 1853-06-06
20 Irvine marriages from 1799-11-30 to 1851-01-04
83 Irvine baptisms from 1781-03-06 to 1853-11-28
Twatt 14 Twatt burials from 1782-06-* to 1851-11-19
39 Twatt marriages from 1797-08-29 to 1853-11-24
121 Twatt baptisms from 1795-12-09 to 1947-09-09
Robertson 38 Robertson burials from 1796-06-09 to 1852-01-09
45 Robertson marriages from 1784-12-30 to 1848-02-17
178 Robertson baptisms from 1781-08-29 to 1854-04-10
Sinclair 29 Sinclair burials from 1782-01-03 to 1854-02-23
95 Sinclair marriages from 1782-12-19 to 1853-11-24
251 Sinclair baptisms from 1780-11-06 to 1854-11-25
Peterson 6 Peterson burials from 1809-01-06 to 1853-01-15
47 Peterson marriages from 1782-03-21 to 1849-08-21
94 Peterson baptisms from 1780-10-22 to 1851-04-20
Scott 17 Scott burials from 1814-02-20 to 1853-01-08
23 Scott marriages from 1780-12-28 to 1854-12-28
130 Scott baptisms from 1785-03-06 to 1854-09-13
Walterson 15 Walterson burials from 1809-08-30 to 1851-12-18
33 Walterson marriages from 1781-10-23 to 1849-12-17
67 Walterson baptisms from 1781-03-12 to 1854-09-16
Abernethy 7 Abernethy burials from 1810-01-27 to 1852-11-16
27 Abernethy marriages from 1802-11-18 to 1853-11-24
84 Abernethy baptisms from 1780-11-06 to 1853-07-25
Thomason 24 Thomason burials from 1814-01-13 to 1854-12-04
47 Thomason marriages from 1781-10-23 to 1853-12-29
156 Thomason baptisms from 1791-09-24 to 1854-09-20
Jamieson 16 Jamieson burials from 1836-03-10 to 1854-10-02
58 Jamieson marriages from 1800-03-02 to 1854-12-07
266 Jamieson baptisms from 1797-02-20 to 1854-12-09
Johnson 23 Johnson burials from 1781-10-24 to 1847-03-06
30 Johnson marriages from 1783-11-12 to 1851-12-18
60 Johnson baptisms from 1781-07-01 to 1854-11-15
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