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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Cavers (Roxburghshire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Cavers in Roxburghshire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Douglas 1 Douglas burial from 1800-03-05 to 1800-03-05
28 Douglas marriages from 1695-06-08 to 1749-06-16
400 Douglas baptisms from 1694-10-14 to 1819-11-24
Dryden 11 Dryden marriages from 1695-12-27 to 1745-02-01
106 Dryden baptisms from 1694-07-22 to 1819-11-24
Elliot 27 Elliot marriages from 1695-06-18 to 1793-12-20
204 Elliot baptisms from 1694-08-03 to 1821-12-14
Henderson 7 Henderson marriages from 1700-06-04 to 1733-08-07
108 Henderson baptisms from 1697-08-22 to 1817-02-15
Laidlaw 10 Laidlaw marriages from 1701-08-19 to 1736-06-24
136 Laidlaw baptisms from 1696-11-22 to 1820-03-23
Nichol 21 Nichol marriages from 1695-04-30 to 1745-06-21
144 Nichol baptisms from 1695-07-13 to 1818-11-08
Oliver 8 Oliver marriages from 1696-11-16 to 1745-11-29
170 Oliver baptisms from 1698-05-29 to 1825-04-15
Scott 1 Scott burial from 1800-05-01 to 1800-05-01
64 Scott marriages from 1699-11-03 to 1744-12-07
501 Scott baptisms from 1694-12-02 to 1822-10-14
Smith 7 Smith marriages from 1709-06-03 to 1793-12-20
116 Smith baptisms from 1696-04-26 to 1830-05-26
Turnbull 2 Turnbull burials from 1799-02-04 to 1800-02-03
32 Turnbull marriages from 1697-02-13 to 1744-01-06
384 Turnbull baptisms from 1694-08-03 to 1819-07-24
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