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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Uig (Ross and Cromarty) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Uig in Ross and Cromarty. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Buchanan 46 Buchanan marriages from 1824-10-09 to 1857-01-03
72 Buchanan baptisms from 1824-05-01 to 1844-08-08
Macarthur 53 Macarthur marriages from 1825-06-25 to 1855-07-03
67 Macarthur baptisms from 1824-11-16 to 1843-11-01
Macaulay 194 Macaulay marriages from 1825-02-04 to 1857-01-12
318 Macaulay baptisms from 1819-06-03 to 1854-06-06
Macdonald 353 Macdonald marriages from 1824-12-24 to 1857-01-12
459 Macdonald baptisms from 1824-01-04 to 1854-10-28
Maciver 172 Maciver marriages from 1825-02-04 to 1857-01-10
322 Maciver baptisms from 1824-07-07 to 1845-09-26
Mackay 207 Mackay marriages from 1824-10-09 to 1856-01-14
321 Mackay baptisms from 1819-06-03 to 1854-10-28
Mackenzie 68 Mackenzie marriages from 1825-05-13 to 1856-02-18
62 Mackenzie baptisms from 1824-12-20 to 1845-02-01
Maclean 174 Maclean marriages from 1825-01-25 to 1857-01-10
296 Maclean baptisms from 1822-05-15 to 1850-03-06
Maclennan 116 Maclennan marriages from 1826-03-13 to 1857-01-08
166 Maclennan baptisms from 1824-06-18 to 1850-03-06
Macleod 411 Macleod marriages from 1824-10-09 to 1857-01-03
597 Macleod baptisms from 1820-07-20 to 1854-06-06
Macritchie 66 Macritchie marriages from 1824-12-24 to 1854-03-08
129 Macritchie baptisms from 1824-02-10 to 1845-01-05
Matheson 81 Matheson marriages from 1825-02-10 to 1857-01-13
225 Matheson baptisms from 1824-06-16 to 1844-oct-20
Morison 123 Morison marriages from 1825-04-04 to 1852-01-28
227 Morison baptisms from 1824-01-15 to 1844-11-15
Smith 156 Smith marriages from 1824-12-24 to 1857-01-03
286 Smith baptisms from 1824-05-02 to 1845-02-20
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