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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Callander (Perthshire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Callander in Perthshire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Balfour 45 Balfour marriages from 1726-11-29 to 1848-12-09
87 Balfour baptisms from 1711-04-29 to 1820-11-22
Buchanan 732 Buchanan marriages from 1708-06-06 to 1854-12-03
2305 Buchanan baptisms from 1479-09-17 to 1854-07-31
Buchannan 46 Buchannan marriages from 1721-12-12 to 1761-08-11
64 Buchannan baptisms from 1722-01-22 to 1735-08-04
Cameron 51 Cameron marriages from 1720-10-27 to 1849-12-15
105 Cameron baptisms from 1736-09-24 to 1854-04-12
Campbell 107 Campbell marriages from 1714-10-26 to 1851-06-14
209 Campbell baptisms from 1720-06-02 to 1854-12-31
Clark 31 Clark marriages from 1711-01-01 to 1847-07-17
72 Clark baptisms from 1711-04-29 to 1823-08-04
Drummond 83 Drummond marriages from 1712-07-10 to 1849-06-10
203 Drummond baptisms from 1712-04-27 to 1834-08-13
Ferguson 465 Ferguson marriages from 1710-08-22 to 1854-12-03
1293 Ferguson baptisms from 1702-02-17 to 1854-11-09
Fergusson 252 Fergusson marriages from 1710-03-29 to 1819-01-17
9 Fergusson baptisms from 1720-02-04 to 1809-10-11
Fferguson 160 Fferguson baptisms from 1711-01-16 to 1769-12-12
Fforguson 109 Fforguson baptisms from 1710-06-27 to 1721-03-29
Fisher 79 Fisher marriages from 1712-03-31 to 1852-07-03
139 Fisher baptisms from 1717-02-24 to 1853-10-28
King 80 King marriages from 1718-02-15 to 1817-06-19
139 King baptisms from 1712-10-01 to 1789-01-05
Macgregor 67 Macgregor marriages from 1771-06-07 to 1854-11-19
61 Macgregor baptisms from 1815-05-28 to 1853-05-01
Maclaren 65 Maclaren marriages from 1796-05-24 to 1853-03-19
77 Maclaren baptisms from 1816-08-08 to 1854-12-14
Mcarthur 146 Mcarthur marriages from 1718-08-21 to 1814-02-12
378 Mcarthur baptisms from 1722-10-22 to 1844-01-26
Mcarthure 32 Mcarthure marriages from 1711-05-22 to 1726-06-16
91 Mcarthure baptisms from 1711-02-22 to 1730-07-30
Mcbeath 78 Mcbeath marriages from 1729-07-31 to 1844-12-25
317 Mcbeath baptisms from 1728-09-26 to 1847-06-13
Mcbeth 26 Mcbeth marriages from 1710-03-29 to 1784-02-23
132 Mcbeth baptisms from 1710-06-27 to 1775-12-07
Mccallum 98 Mccallum marriages from 1711-01-11 to 1842-08-29
31 Mccallum baptisms from 1711-02-15 to 1822-10-13
Mcdonald 64 Mcdonald marriages from 1711-12-04 to 1854-12-10
171 Mcdonald baptisms from 1712-11-21 to 1854-07-31
Mcfarlan 148 Mcfarlan marriages from 1711-04-03 to 1844-01-18
225 Mcfarlan baptisms from 1710-10-19 to 1854-08-19
Mcfarlane 290 Mcfarlane marriages from 1710-05-04 to 1854-11-26
638 Mcfarlane baptisms from 1711-02-22 to 1854-06-03
Mcgregor 154 Mcgregor marriages from 1724-12-07 to 1853-06-14
491 Mcgregor baptisms from 1710-12-09 to 1854-11-04
Mcgrigor 84 Mcgrigor marriages from 1712-11-23 to 1809-04-04
278 Mcgrigor baptisms from 1710-03-19 to 1795-01-03
Mcintyre 105 Mcintyre marriages from 1711-01-11 to 1843-12-04
156 Mcintyre baptisms from 1712-12-19 to 1854-02-19
Mckinlay 113 Mckinlay marriages from 1711-10-20 to 1847-08-26
428 Mckinlay baptisms from 1712-01-23 to 1852-04-27
Mclaren 235 Mclaren marriages from 1711-11-20 to 1846-12-19
548 Mclaren baptisms from 1710-06-04 to 1854-06-03
Mcleran 164 Mcleran marriages from 1728-04-22 to 1775-12-04
430 Mcleran baptisms from 1715-03-31 to 1776-07-07
Mcnab 89 Mcnab marriages from 1713-04-30 to 1846-06-20
203 Mcnab baptisms from 1711-01-16 to 1853-12-08
Mcnee 53 Mcnee marriages from 1731-04-27 to 1833-05-31
153 Mcnee baptisms from 1724-11-26 to 1812-03-30
Robertson 36 Robertson marriages from 1711-12-08 to 1852-02-21
73 Robertson baptisms from 1712-11-06 to 1854-12-14
Smith 54 Smith marriages from 1712-06-23 to 1818-12-26
148 Smith baptisms from 1710-05-21 to 1851-11-14
Steuart 72 Steuart marriages from 1710-08-22 to 1724-06-30
118 Steuart baptisms from 1710-10-17 to 1721-10-19
Stewart 847 Stewart marriages from 1722-12-01 to 1853-12-18
1715 Stewart baptisms from 1479-09-17 to 1854-08-20
Strang 27 Strang marriages from 1712-08-22 to 1851-09-27
77 Strang baptisms from 1712-08-03 to 1854-05-29
Stuart 82 Stuart marriages from 1721-12-12 to 1808-08-09
183 Stuart baptisms from 1721-11-23 to 1854-08-19
Thomson 40 Thomson marriages from 1711-05-22 to 1849-04-21
80 Thomson baptisms from 1711-09-23 to 1830-11-23
Wright 129 Wright marriages from 1712-01-01 to 1828-01-26
317 Wright baptisms from 1711-02-22 to 1824-12-29
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