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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Walls (Orkney Isles) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Walls in Orkney Isles. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Anderson 7 Anderson burials from 1823-02-23 to 1851-10-24
11 Anderson marriages from 1732-07-20 to 1850-12-12
105 Anderson baptisms from 1741-04-17 to 1854-10-02
Baikie 7 Baikie burials from 1829-04-15 to 1853-12-17
9 Baikie marriages from 1735-*-12 to 1852-04-02
145 Baikie baptisms from 1736-10-29 to 1852-01-20
Bruce 11 Bruce burials from 1824-12-22 to 1853-12-25
9 Bruce marriages from 1708-04-* to 1844-01-01
127 Bruce baptisms from 1708-04-08 to 1852-01-20
Cromarty 22 Cromarty burials from 1823-02-28 to 1851-11-*
26 Cromarty marriages from 1788-01-03 to 1853-12-06
179 Cromarty baptisms from 1742-02-02 to 1854-12-28
Gray 8 Gray burials from 1831-02-01 to 1850-02-12
19 Gray marriages from 1715-12-* to 1849-09-13
160 Gray baptisms from 1709-01-23 to 1854-07-03
Groat 11 Groat burials from 1823-02-17 to 1853-05-03
12 Groat marriages from 1828-01-01 to 1853-02-08
114 Groat baptisms from 1754-01-* to 1853-12-19
Johnston 5 Johnston burials from 1827-11-16 to 1853-03-16
16 Johnston marriages from 1823-12-02 to 1854-01-05
132 Johnston baptisms from 1768-01-16 to 1854-12-27
Malcomson 5 Malcomson burials from 1834-02-24 to 1850-04-04
24 Malcomson marriages from 1711-02-13 to 1849-03-08
210 Malcomson baptisms from 1716-09-10 to 1850-10-26
Manson 8 Manson burials from 1823-02-09 to 1851-12-*
9 Manson marriages from 1731-07-27 to 1854-03-09
128 Manson baptisms from * to 1854-12-27
Mowat 9 Mowat burials from 1824-07-20 to 1844-07-22
12 Mowat marriages from 1741-12-31 to 1848-11-17
114 Mowat baptisms from 1709-05-09 to 1854-07-16
Nicolson 8 Nicolson burials from 1841-*-31 to 1850-05-15
8 Nicolson marriages from 1725-04-02 to 1845-12-18
166 Nicolson baptisms from 1712-05-16 to 1854-11-27
Robertson 5 Robertson burials from 1824-10-26 to 1853-03-08
13 Robertson marriages from 1830-12-27 to 1853-03-17
134 Robertson baptisms from 1795-10-25 to 1854-12-28
Ross 3 Ross burials from 1823-05-16 to 1852-*-*
9 Ross marriages from 1737-09-27 to 1854-04-13
110 Ross baptisms from *-09-28 to 1854-12-26
Robson 10 Robson burials from 1826-10-15 to 1849-04-19
22 Robson marriages from 1721-01-20 to 1845-12-20
185 Robson baptisms from 1732-07-01 to 1854-07-17
Sinclair 12 Sinclair burials from 1839-06-07 to 1853-02-*
20 Sinclair marriages from 1716-12-14 to 1854-01-24
132 Sinclair baptisms from 1710-02-26 to 1854-12-18
Smith 7 Smith burials from 1829-08-20 to 1851-03-20
18 Smith marriages from 1708-08-12 to 1854-03-09
115 Smith baptisms from 1722-09-28 to 1854-12-27
Stout 3 Stout burials from 1850-*-* to 1853-03-16
16 Stout marriages from 1714-01-19 to 1848-01-06
131 Stout baptisms from 1709-01-30 to 1854-07-03
Sutherland 26 Sutherland burials from 1823-02-16 to 1853-04-09
43 Sutherland marriages from 1730-02-10 to 1854-12-19
418 Sutherland baptisms from 1711-06-02 to 1854-07-16
Swanson 6 Swanson burials from 1823-07-28 to 1847-11-10
11 Swanson marriages from 1824-03-02 to 1845-03-07
96 Swanson baptisms from 1763-*-* to 1854-07-02
Taylor 7 Taylor burials from 1823-06-22 to 1853-04-09
4 Taylor marriages from 1834-12-18 to 1854-01-24
106 Taylor baptisms from 1753-11-27 to 1854-12-28
Thomson 15 Thomson burials from 1830-06-16 to 1853-07-*
25 Thomson marriages from 1743-*-* to 1850-11-21
215 Thomson baptisms from *-09-28 to 1854-12-26
Wilson 19 Wilson burials from 1826-12-07 to 1854-04-18
47 Wilson marriages from 1708-04-* to 1854-04-13
296 Wilson baptisms from 1711-12-01 to 1854-09-11
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