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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Kirklington (Nottinghamshire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Kirklington in Nottinghamshire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Butler 31 Butler burials from 1735-12-15 to 1850-11-15
6 Butler marriages from 1763-01-05 to 1863-11-30
75 Butler baptisms from 1734-03-03 to 1845-05-25
Drabble 24 Drabble burials from 1831-06-24 to 1898-06-25
18 Drabble marriages from 1805-12-16 to 1891-12-22
196 Drabble baptisms from 1806-04-27 to 1901-04-28
Eaton 36 Eaton burials from 1733-04-14 to 1833-11-24
8 Eaton marriages from 1765-04-09 to 1805-12-16
72 Eaton baptisms from 1726-01-06 to 1789-11-15
Greaves 25 Greaves burials from 1835-06-14 to 1898-11-10
13 Greaves marriages from 1716-03-01 to 1876-07-12
84 Greaves baptisms from 1818-11-22 to 1871-09-10
Harvey 30 Harvey burials from 1714-01-16 to 1844-09-09
10 Harvey marriages from 1717-02-02 to 1867-12-17
90 Harvey baptisms from 1736-10-05 to 1854-05-11
Hurt 29 Hurt burials from 1799-04-07 to 1888-04-20
14 Hurt marriages from 1820-12-25 to 1857-08-11
65 Hurt baptisms from 1799-01-06 to 1843-08-27
Keyworth 30 Keyworth burials from 1732-04-02 to 1803-03-01
11 Keyworth marriages from 1725-09-13 to 1861-05-20
63 Keyworth baptisms from 1726-08-28 to 1821-09-09
Redman 32 Redman burials from 1715-05-14 to 1819-04-18
12 Redman marriages from 1717-11-21 to 1808-05-02
60 Redman baptisms from 1718-08-31 to 1789-06-30
Rickett 30 Rickett burials from 1822-03-27 to 1893-09-27
25 Rickett marriages from 1630-11-07 to 1899-04-03
183 Rickett baptisms from 1811-06-02 to 1900-04-15
Simpson 8 Simpson burials from 1824-04-25 to 1895-01-04
12 Simpson marriages from 1819-02-14 to 1899-11-06
93 Simpson baptisms from 1750-11-11 to 1861-06-16
Smith 15 Smith burials from 1757-07-15 to 1892-10-25
20 Smith marriages from 1603-06-26 to 1899-11-06
131 Smith baptisms from 1804-03-11 to 1893-12-31
Wood 21 Wood burials from 1722-04-23 to 1897-04-12
15 Wood marriages from 1709-05-05 to 1832-11-26
97 Wood baptisms from 1798-06-24 to 1897-04-12
Wright 10 Wright burials from 1841-08-20 to 1891-06-02
18 Wright marriages from 1602-01-23 to 1898-11-28
106 Wright baptisms from 1830-08-08 to 1900-03-18
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