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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (Northumberland) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Newbiggin-by-the-Sea in Northumberland. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Downie 41 Downie burials from 1807-02-13 to 1957-09-30
6 Downie marriages from 1878-09-16 to 1979-09-08
99 Downie baptisms from 1803-01-23 to 1877-11-18
Armstrong 516 Armstrong burials from 1760-08-29 to 2004-02-25
56 Armstrong marriages from 1683-07-12 to 1998-09-05
720 Armstrong baptisms from 1705-10-07 to 1878-12-08
Dawson 146 Dawson burials from 1760-08-30 to 1998-12-*
20 Dawson marriages from 1678-03-25 to 1988-07-23
268 Dawson baptisms from 1685-03-29 to 1878-12-08
Brown 267 Brown burials from 1798-03-14 to 2005-11-13
38 Brown marriages from 1694-06-21 to 1995-08-19
513 Brown baptisms from 1678-08-08 to 1878-07-07
Dent 121 Dent burials from 1835-10-10 to 1996-05-14
10 Dent marriages from 1943-04-24 to 1995-07-29
148 Dent baptisms from 1816-06-09 to 1878-06-30
Johnson 48 Johnson burials from 1793-05-03 to 1995-11-03
25 Johnson marriages from 1680-09-23 to 1997-07-26
68 Johnson baptisms from 1662-08-24 to 1874-08-09
Hall 50 Hall burials from 1769-10-24 to 2001-10-02
11 Hall marriages from 1703-05-27 to 1999-07-17
69 Hall baptisms from 1777-03-02 to 1875-12-12
Gibson 56 Gibson burials from 1825-11-29 to 2000-*-*
11 Gibson marriages from 1703-04-27 to 1998-09-05
108 Gibson baptisms from 1668-09-27 to 1878-09-01
Jefferson 89 Jefferson burials from 1772-05-16 to 1994-05-27
3 Jefferson marriages from 1875-01-25 to 1902-10-17
200 Jefferson baptisms from 1710-04-02 to 1878-12-01
Patterson 37 Patterson burials from 1776-04-02 to 1938-12-19
6 Patterson marriages from 1718-12-02 to 1984-01-28
92 Patterson baptisms from 1716-03-15 to 1863-06-19
Pattison 37 Pattison burials from 1761-03-10 to 1998-02-02
13 Pattison marriages from 1680-04-22 to 1977-03-26
71 Pattison baptisms from 1673-10-16 to 1798-01-07
Oliver 59 Oliver burials from 1771-02-09 to 1997-12-20
14 Oliver marriages from 1685-08-03 to 1991-06-22
175 Oliver baptisms from 1665-11-25 to 1878-03-03
Renner 83 Renner burials from 1774-08-07 to 2000-01-24
8 Renner marriages from 1769-06-11 to 1982-07-03
232 Renner baptisms from 1736-10-10 to 1877-08-05
Robinson 222 Robinson burials from 1775-05-21 to 2001-07-16
20 Robinson marriages from 1710-11-23 to 1985-04-13
319 Robinson baptisms from 1733-04-07 to 1878-07-07
Smith 55 Smith burials from 1762-02-05 to 1997-03-04
22 Smith marriages from 1734-06-18 to 1996-08-03
80 Smith baptisms from 1718-03-04 to 1875-09-12
Wilson 43 Wilson burials from 1788-02-05 to 1992-10-17
17 Wilson marriages from 1883-09-23 to 1995-08-19
43 Wilson baptisms from 1708-05-09 to 1878-05-12
Taylor 244 Taylor burials from 1760-08-30 to 2004-12-22
27 Taylor marriages from 1673-02-24 to 1996-07-20
350 Taylor baptisms from 1697-11-04 to 1878-12-08
Storey 91 Storey burials from 1812-04-03 to 1997-06-*
19 Storey marriages from 1672-06-04 to 1990-10-20
95 Storey baptisms from 1822-08-25 to 1878-07-25
Watson 66 Watson burials from 1762-02-23 to 1999-06-*
11 Watson marriages from 1747-06-11 to 1992-11-07
142 Watson baptisms from 1731-02-24 to 1868-02-16
Twizell 50 Twizell burials from 1781-04-14 to 1987-02-06
5 Twizell marriages from 1694-08-02 to 1967-12-02
91 Twizell baptisms from 1668-11-26 to 1871-06-07
Thompson 47 Thompson burials from 1789-11-12 to 1997-02-*
19 Thompson marriages from 1689-07-25 to 1988-08-06
93 Thompson baptisms from 1690-05-11 to 1877-03-25
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