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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Yaxham (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Yaxham in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Buck 52 Buck burials from 1691-06-02 to 1764-04-13
6 Buck marriages from 1703-08-10 to 1783-08-06
93 Buck baptisms from 1691-09-13 to 1742-05-02
Brookes 20 Brookes burials from 1777-06-25 to 1829-12-10
10 Brookes marriages from 1768-06-07 to 1829-09-13
113 Brookes baptisms from 1766-11-16 to 1837-12-24
Eke 28 Eke burials from 1783-04-13 to 1897-01-09
14 Eke marriages from 1785-11-13 to 1884-04-30
63 Eke baptisms from 1783-03-30 to 1902-05-07
Baxter 45 Baxter burials from 1779-01-20 to 1900-05-02
69 Baxter marriages from 1770-10-09 to 1897-12-27
244 Baxter baptisms from 1707-09-09 to 1891-06-28
Coe 29 Coe burials from 1738-09-20 to 1883-11-23
21 Coe marriages from 1748-12-05 to 1892-11-22
59 Coe baptisms from 1716-09-03 to 1883-11-25
Bush 48 Bush burials from 1689-02-26 to 1898-02-15
43 Bush marriages from 1764-03-06 to 1888-10-29
142 Bush baptisms from 1697-10-17 to 1887-08-28
Bullard 50 Bullard burials from 1688-10-23 to 1859-11-13
16 Bullard marriages from 1700-jun-24 to 1838-07-11
56 Bullard baptisms from 1701-02-12 to 1811-07-07
Brooks 18 Brooks burials from 1788-08-27 to 1887-03-12
18 Brooks marriages from 1764-10-11 to 1866-11-17
99 Brooks baptisms from 1736-02-02 to 1863-09-13
Dack 73 Dack burials from 1734-01-27 to 1897-12-18
15 Dack marriages from 1711-04-03 to 1853-12-07
85 Dack baptisms from 1726-11-02 to 1822-03-24
Frost 44 Frost burials from 1689-03-15 to 1855-03-05
21 Frost marriages from 1699-05-30 to 1851-03-03
80 Frost baptisms from 1690-03-11 to 1854-04-16
Bullwer 19 Bullwer burials from 1777-09-23 to 1823-03-25
86 Bullwer marriages from 1761-02-03 to 1838-11-15
52 Bullwer baptisms from 1691-02-24 to 1822-04-11
Cross 30 Cross burials from 1742-10-03 to 1900-05-05
8 Cross marriages from 1736-09-* to 1890-10-23
86 Cross baptisms from 1757-05-08 to 1900-08-26
Groom 59 Groom burials from 1727-01-04 to 1850-01-13
8 Groom marriages from 1724-01-01 to 1793-10-01
48 Groom baptisms from 1725-02-11 to 1809-08-13
Goff 31 Goff burials from 1756-06-16 to 1815-07-09
8 Goff marriages from 1759-01-04 to 1807-12-29
93 Goff baptisms from 1749-07-23 to 1815-07-02
Rye 37 Rye burials from 1717-09-29 to 1874-06-15
2 Rye marriages from 1806-10-14 to 1806-10-14
113 Rye baptisms from 1694-05-13 to 1858-02-08
Seaman 14 Seaman burials from 1766-03-23 to 1850-03-16
26 Seaman marriages from 1761-04-15 to 1838-11-27
69 Seaman baptisms from 1771-12-08 to 1812-12-20
Isbill 7 Isbill burials from 1843-02-06 to 1893-10-12
22 Isbill marriages from 1827-11-14 to 1879-06-02
101 Isbill baptisms from 1828-10-26 to 1898-11-13
Howlett 39 Howlett burials from 1695-10-24 to 1897-05-05
44 Howlett marriages from 1711-08-12 to 1875-08-26
152 Howlett baptisms from 1688-11-04 to 1898-11-23
Rix 42 Rix burials from 1706-05-16 to 1888-12-01
31 Rix marriages from 1723-03-02 to 1808-10-20
86 Rix baptisms from 1690-10-02 to 1794-04-20
Lincoln 18 Lincoln burials from 1798-03-11 to 1900-02-24
26 Lincoln marriages from 1696-09-22 to 1884-10-15
128 Lincoln baptisms from 1791-03-13 to 1898-06-26
Hill 49 Hill burials from 1756-06-09 to 1834-11-09
24 Hill marriages from 1725-10-03 to 1900-05-24
91 Hill baptisms from 1755-10-19 to 1900-02-25
Holman 19 Holman burials from 1786-06-18 to 1880-05-18
13 Holman marriages from 1813-11-16 to 1871-12-21
70 Holman baptisms from 1784-11-28 to 1874-12-01
Mallett 34 Mallett burials from 1769-07-23 to 1901-06-10
30 Mallett marriages from 1782-08-19 to 1893-10-31
114 Mallett baptisms from 1716-08-26 to 1900-09-02
Neal 50 Neal burials from 1719-05-29 to 1778-07-20
9 Neal marriages from 1739-09-25 to 1879-11-03
68 Neal baptisms from 1714-10-17 to 1790-09-12
Marham 31 Marham burials from 1734-11-24 to 1826-04-26
66 Marham marriages from 1754-10-29 to 1849-10-16
57 Marham baptisms from 1743-10-01 to 1780-11-26
Meachen 102 Meachen burials from 1767-02-11 to 1900-08-13
117 Meachen marriages from 1770-09-25 to 1900-10-13
374 Meachen baptisms from 1776-03-03 to 1900-06-24
Mallet 21 Mallet burials from 1713-12-15 to 1901-02-01
9 Mallet marriages from 1739-04-2_ to 1812-02-11
96 Mallet baptisms from 1702-02-22 to 1846-03-04
Gunton 42 Gunton burials from 1755-03-02 to 1816-04-03
18 Gunton marriages from 1716-11-06 to 1812-10-27
77 Gunton baptisms from 1754-01-13 to 1815-11-12
Spilman 37 Spilman burials from 1813-10-29 to 1899-04-07
34 Spilman marriages from 1771-01-23 to 1901-04-08
173 Spilman baptisms from 1773-02-07 to 1889-04-21
Vincent 27 Vincent burials from 1763-04-27 to 1889-04-03
36 Vincent marriages from 1770-03-27 to 1871-07-26
60 Vincent baptisms from 1736-09-12 to 1816-02-11
Watts 44 Watts burials from 1765-11-17 to 1820-05-17
13 Watts marriages from 1764-10-29 to 1819-01-01
66 Watts baptisms from 1761-09-10 to 1812-12-20
Smith 47 Smith burials from 1689-03-22 to 1901-09-12
42 Smith marriages from 1769-05-24 to 1895-01-22
177 Smith baptisms from 1773-07-04 to 1898-09-25
Wyatt 52 Wyatt burials from 1779-09-05 to 1901-06-25
52 Wyatt marriages from 1757-08-28 to 1892-10-27
146 Wyatt baptisms from 1761-10-18 to 1892-06-26
Tilney 10 Tilney burials from 1795-07-06 to 1889-03-15
31 Tilney marriages from 1802-10-12 to 1882-07-11
75 Tilney baptisms from 1793-06-23 to 1896-09-27
Wyett 55 Wyett burials from 1806-04-15 to 1884-07-05
58 Wyett marriages from 1771-06-23 to 1878-10-22
189 Wyett baptisms from 1775-03-19 to 1865-02-02
Yull 66 Yull burials from 1686-05-07 to 1892-04-15
29 Yull marriages from 1699-05-30 to 1858-05-17
91 Yull baptisms from 1700-02-25 to 1830-01-13
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