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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Wroxham (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Wroxham in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Booty 15 Booty burials from 1828-*-* to 1867-04-11
2 Booty marriages from 1836-*-* to 1836-12-04
115 Booty baptisms from 1811-*-* to 1856-11-16
Bowman 39 Bowman burials from 1672-*-* to 1725-01-30
3 Bowman marriages from 1666-06-04 to 1682-05-21
89 Bowman baptisms from 1641-06-24 to 1702-07-30
Bush 4 Bush burials from 1832-*-* to 1858-02-02
9 Bush marriages from 1806-05-05 to 1807-10-13
129 Bush baptisms from 1808-*-* to 1900-07-29
Chamberlin 8 Chamberlin burials from 1865-*-* to 1889-03-09
93 Chamberlin baptisms from 1849-06-24 to 1897-11-07
Chaplin 17 Chaplin burials from 1837-*-* to 1903-12-26
4 Chaplin marriages from 1817-*-* to 1817-12-16
141 Chaplin baptisms from 1788-*-* to 1894-01-28
Cobb 14 Cobb burials from 1838-*-* to 1892-01-11
8 Cobb marriages from 1708-10-25 to 1836-10-11
94 Cobb baptisms from 1799-*-* to 1840-06-21
Collyer 25 Collyer burials from 1773-*-* to 1857-04-07
4 Collyer marriages from 1791-10-02 to 1814-*-*
75 Collyer baptisms from 1752-*-* to 1811-04-27
Crane 25 Crane burials from 1775-05-11 to 1885-08-31
5 Crane marriages from 1770-*-* to 1782-11-11
127 Crane baptisms from 1742-10-04 to 1901-08-25
Curtis 36 Curtis burials from 1783-*-* to 1864-04-17
9 Curtis marriages from 1773-*-* to 1826-10-19
154 Curtis baptisms from 1775-04-16 to 1847-11-14
Davy 59 Davy burials from 1774-05-02 to 1877-11-22
26 Davy marriages from 1560-11-07 to 1823-01-28
58 Davy baptisms from 1765-*-* to 1805-*-*
Emes 34 Emes burials from 1633-12-27 to 1710-10-24
8 Emes marriages from 1606-07-20 to 1727-07-25
59 Emes baptisms from 1609-02-26 to 1718-09-09
Felstead 35 Felstead burials from 1803-*-* to 1860-02-12
3 Felstead marriages from 1809-03-27 to 1836-07-04
221 Felstead baptisms from 1794-*-* to 1874-04-26
Fenn 64 Fenn burials from 1675-08-11 to 1800-05-22
9 Fenn marriages from 1679-04-18 to 1727-11-05
122 Fenn baptisms from 1651-11-08 to 1729-02-10
Germany 32 Germany burials from 1820-*-* to 1878-11-01
4 Germany marriages from 1832-*-* to 1833-07-29
267 Germany baptisms from 1820-*-* to 1857-04-26
Gorbold 30 Gorbold burials from 1798-*-* to 1854-12-17
10 Gorbold marriages from 1798-10-11 to 1835-10-05
135 Gorbold baptisms from 1798-*-* to 1867-03-17
Gorbould 10 Gorbould burials from 1849-*-* to 1899-10-16
2 Gorbould marriages from 1821-*-* to 1821-11-05
141 Gorbould baptisms from 1856-01-13 to 1901-07-28
Gray 18 Gray burials from 1826-*-* to 1899-06-17
2 Gray marriages from 1820-*-* to 1820-11-09
82 Gray baptisms from 1821-*-* to 1897-09-26
Green 81 Green burials from 1681-07-06 to 1900-01-17
44 Green marriages from 1681-10-10 to 1830-10-12
355 Green baptisms from 1681-06-23 to 1886-10-24
Haines 10 Haines burials from 1857-*-* to 1865-01-07
132 Haines baptisms from 1847-*-* to 1870-11-13
Hall 12 Hall burials from 1871-*-* to 1891-09-24
1 Hall marriage from 1730-12-08 to 1730-12-08
127 Hall baptisms from 1866-*-* to 1891-02-08
Holman 17 Holman burials from 1843-*-* to 1901-09-12
233 Holman baptisms from 1805-*-* to 1889-03-26
Ives 25 Ives burials from 1828-*-* to 1903-09-28
14 Ives marriages from 1799-*-* to 1836-04-10
133 Ives baptisms from 1823-*-* to 1893-02-12
Jermy 59 Jermy burials from 1840-*-* to 1904-12-08
4 Jermy marriages from 1829-*-* to 1831-05-20
226 Jermy baptisms from 1819-*-* to 1896-09-06
Knapp 22 Knapp burials from 1823-*-* to 1900-03-01
5 Knapp marriages from 1812-*-* to 1835-08-30
139 Knapp baptisms from 1812-*-* to 1860-01-01
Landimore 47 Landimore burials from 1806-08-22 to 1860-04-15
18 Landimore marriages from 1806-04-28 to 1835-08-30
254 Landimore baptisms from 1783-*-* to 1859-02-22
Miller 30 Miller burials from 1726-07-31 to 1877-03-01
9 Miller marriages from 1743-02-23 to 1785-03-17
105 Miller baptisms from 1715-07-24 to 1877-02-18
Platten 18 Platten burials from 1850-*-* to 1879-01-01
1 Platten marriage from 1818-10-12 to 1818-10-12
231 Platten baptisms from 1834-*-* to 1895-07-19
Shepherd 16 Shepherd burials from 1773-02-06 to 1850-12-06
5 Shepherd marriages from 1807-*-* to 1834-09-14
129 Shepherd baptisms from 1777-*-* to 1861-01-25
Smith 79 Smith burials from 1663-10-14 to 1815-03-17
26 Smith marriages from 1657-05-18 to 1814-11-10
57 Smith baptisms from 1672-04-08 to 1897-09-26
Stevenson 20 Stevenson burials from 1592-09-21 to 1904-08-04
217 Stevenson baptisms from 1831-*-* to 1901-07-14
Turner 14 Turner burials from 1833-*-* to 1897-06-14
1 Turner marriage from 1775-06-12 to 1775-06-12
105 Turner baptisms from 1836-*-* to 1889-04-21
Waterson 41 Waterson burials from 1827-*-* to 1901-07-26
2 Waterson marriages from 1826-*-* to 1826-10-19
314 Waterson baptisms from 1818-*-* to 1889-07-14
Woodcock 4 Woodcock burials from 1829-*-* to 1879-03-11
1 Woodcock marriage from 1832-06-07 to 1832-06-07
126 Woodcock baptisms from 1819-*-* to 1839-07-21
Woods 10 Woods burials from 1709-02-* to 1793-03-03
3 Woods marriages from 1699-10-22 to 1815-10-04
94 Woods baptisms from 1700-04-15 to 1871-12-24
Wright 35 Wright burials from 1679-03-24 to 1901-05-05
6 Wright marriages from 1681-10-24 to 1832-10-14
84 Wright baptisms from 1682-10-08 to 1871-09-24
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