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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Tilney cum Islington (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Tilney cum Islington in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Cassell 4 Cassell burials from 1868-09-05 to 1931-09-18
31 Cassell marriages from 1828-04-11 to 1902-09-23
102 Cassell baptisms from 1829-07-05 to 1901-04-07
Allen 56 Allen burials from 1731-04-01 to 1890-11-26
72 Allen marriages from 1765-03-31 to 1906-10-06
239 Allen baptisms from 1714-03-11 to 1893-02-19
Coe 26 Coe burials from 1786-10-19 to 1871-11-24
12 Coe marriages from 1793-03-21 to 1849-07-25
87 Coe baptisms from 1731-03-04 to 1878-05-05
Earish 7 Earish burials from 1836-06-19 to 1889-03-08
13 Earish marriages from 1814-08-14 to 1880-03-27
159 Earish baptisms from 1823-12-15 to 1876-02-11
Carter 13 Carter burials from 1843-01-30 to 1920-10-18
18 Carter marriages from 1818-12-25 to 1901-11-18
102 Carter baptisms from 1821-07-26 to 1907-03-24
Hall 20 Hall burials from 1811-09-06 to 1910-11-22
22 Hall marriages from 1798-05-28 to 1919-10-29
231 Hall baptisms from 1851-01-12 to 1907-04-28
Gear 12 Gear burials from 1808-10-27 to 1862-05-23
6 Gear marriages from 1814-08-14 to 1846-07-23
123 Gear baptisms from 1811-04-03 to 1839-04-14
Snelling 6 Snelling burials from 1721-01-15 to 1871-06-06
2 Snelling marriages from 1713-07-12 to 1814-10-13
120 Snelling baptisms from 1730-10-18 to 1869-05-02
Walker 32 Walker burials from 1606-09-23 to 1873-02-18
8 Walker marriages from 1628-07-06 to 1871-10-12
242 Walker baptisms from 1600-12-07 to 1877-07-15
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