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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Thurton (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Thurton in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Brown 20 Brown burials from 1791-09-01 to 1892-01-30
118 Brown baptisms from 1771-02-03 to 1893-04-02
Carver 45 Carver burials from 1742-11-12 to 1865-09-19
3 Carver marriages from 1805-10-16 to 1807-10-16
72 Carver baptisms from 1778-11-22 to 1862-09-14
Edwards 35 Edwards burials from 1747-04-13 to 1813-08-29
10 Edwards marriages from 1745-06-06 to 1816-10-28
62 Edwards baptisms from 1745-09-08 to 1804-03-18
Ellis 99 Ellis burials from 1560-02-02 to 1905-06-01
18 Ellis marriages from 1565-07-01 to 1825-10-13
295 Ellis baptisms from 1569-09-19 to 1897-07-18
Frost 21 Frost burials from 1785-09-13 to 1877-08-17
12 Frost marriages from 1803-11-20 to 1825-05-25
101 Frost baptisms from 1778-02-02 to 1876-06-18
Harvey 17 Harvey burials from 1599-08-17 to 1889-10-17
4 Harvey marriages from 1775-10-10 to 1827-07-02
94 Harvey baptisms from 1618-02-08 to 1898-02-20
Minns 7 Minns burials from 1847-04-02 to 1872-01-13
115 Minns baptisms from 1777-10-05 to 1867-07-14
Riches 50 Riches burials from 1586-02-11 to 1858-08-31
6 Riches marriages from 1765-10-07 to 1832-07-12
61 Riches baptisms from 1644-10-20 to 1824-08-15
Smith 27 Smith burials from 1621-11-01 to 1893-06-15
18 Smith marriages from 1627-05-27 to 1836-06-26
346 Smith baptisms from 1635-03-22 to 1901-03-03
Utting 41 Utting burials from 1628-02-13 to 1842-05-20
14 Utting marriages from 1747-01-28 to 1837-02-14
93 Utting baptisms from 1632-03-27 to 1785-05-19
Wright 14 Wright burials from 1827-09-23 to 1902-01-18
7 Wright marriages from 1631-02-21 to 1819-10-10
111 Wright baptisms from 1819-09-05 to 1900-12-16
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