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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Snetterton (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Snetterton in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Barham 18 Barham burials from 1745-12-10 to 1812-04-02
68 Barham marriages from 1698-10-06 to 1883-06-16
132 Barham baptisms from 1746-10-29 to 1882-10-08
Bird 6 Bird burials from 1674-02-16 to 1744-02-08
13 Bird marriages from 1742-02-11 to 1893-06-10
86 Bird baptisms from 1808-01-22 to 1873-01-05
Burlingham 2 Burlingham burials from 1808-08-04 to 1808-08-04
109 Burlingham marriages from 1828-11-11 to 1910-04-28
508 Burlingham baptisms from 1796-03-02 to 1925-04-05
Crook 6 Crook burials from 1790-12-08 to 1804-09-29
22 Crook marriages from 1803-11-04 to 1885-06-13
82 Crook baptisms from 1789-02-01 to 1854-08-20
Edwards 27 Edwards burials from 1739-10-05 to 1811-05-13
61 Edwards marriages from 1686-10-28 to 1885-03-30
296 Edwards baptisms from 1740-10-03 to 1885-05-24
Hanton 3 Hanton burials from 1811-01-19 to 1812-11-12
32 Hanton marriages from 1795-09-01 to 1876-12-23
184 Hanton baptisms from 1775-06-18 to 1876-11-26
James 18 James burials from 1671-10-24 to 1801-01-12
12 James marriages from 1784-01-06 to 1861-03-08
91 James baptisms from 1679-03-14 to 1861-03-28
Loveday 44 Loveday burials from 1760-11-09 to 1801-07-10
82 Loveday marriages from 1739-05-27 to 1888-11-27
287 Loveday baptisms from 1744-11-18 to 1899-11-19
Musk 21 Musk marriages from 1787-07-01 to 1898-03-03
80 Musk baptisms from 1787-10-10 to 1897-03-31
Plain 31 Plain burials from 1756-04-25 to 1803-10-16
2 Plain marriages from 1750-06-17 to 1778-10-10
96 Plain baptisms from 1752-01-06 to 1808-09-17
Ribbons 46 Ribbons burials from 1674-08-15 to 1738-05-18
7 Ribbons marriages from 1685-10-19 to 1737-10-22
101 Ribbons baptisms from 1671-06-11 to 1811-04-23
Ringer 3 Ringer burials from 1803-03-04 to 1811-04-03
17 Ringer marriages from 1833-02-11 to 1890-11-16
149 Ringer baptisms from 1789-02-01 to 1884-04-13
Saunders 24 Saunders burials from 1730-12-17 to 1810-04-18
73 Saunders marriages from 1791-10-24 to 1910-05-24
402 Saunders baptisms from 1727-12-31 to 1914-06-14
Smith 6 Smith burials from 1737-11-01 to 1767-04-30
34 Smith marriages from 1682-06-07 to 1913-12-25
102 Smith baptisms from 1733-05-21 to 1931-07-26
Syer 2 Syer burials from 1712-01-21 to 1712-01-21
7 Syer marriages from 1849-02-24 to 1900-11-19
97 Syer baptisms from 1712-01-17 to 1883-02-18
Webster 7 Webster burials from 1772-09-20 to 1796-01-20
18 Webster marriages from 1714-08-02 to 1889-11-02
117 Webster baptisms from 1758-01-08 to 1931-11-15
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