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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for New Buckenham (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for New Buckenham in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Aldiss 6 Aldiss marriages from 1779-02-16 to 1810-07-13
129 Aldiss baptisms from 1766-01-11 to 1839-08-11
Briggs 16 Briggs burials from 1764-01-20 to 1811-12-09
7 Briggs marriages from 1766-10-20 to 1808-01-13
113 Briggs baptisms from 1764-01-14 to 1863-11-08
Chambers 9 Chambers burials from 1732-07-26 to 1808-02-07
6 Chambers marriages from 1725-09-12 to 1811-12-24
207 Chambers baptisms from 1726-06-19 to 1878-09-08
Davy 6 Davy burials from 1742-07-15 to 1806-08-09
9 Davy marriages from 1726-02-22 to 1806-06-11
125 Davy baptisms from 1732-10-22 to 1870-06-05
Kemp 20 Kemp burials from 1726-09-17 to 1801-12-31
5 Kemp marriages from 1726-09-29 to 1789-10-04
95 Kemp baptisms from 1725-08-04 to 1863-02-06
Jessup 6 Jessup burials from 1781-09-16 to 1810-07-08
9 Jessup marriages from 1759-05-08 to 1807-04-13
159 Jessup baptisms from 1761-06-04 to 1879-07-04
Orford 11 Orford burials from 1750-01-07 to 1807-03-27
18 Orford marriages from 1732-10-30 to 1810-12-11
95 Orford baptisms from 1741-03-31 to 1829-02-08
Potter 1 Potter burial from 1777-08-28 to 1777-08-28
7 Potter marriages from 1766-01-02 to 1799-11-24
110 Potter baptisms from 1778-07-25 to 1852-04-11
Rotherham 2 Rotherham burials from 1767-05-24 to 1795-11-25
8 Rotherham marriages from 1758-10-09 to 1807-11-03
95 Rotherham baptisms from 1759-01-17 to 1872-01-07
Smith 15 Smith burials from 1732-06-27 to 1808-04-23
5 Smith marriages from 1732-10-26 to 1795-07-06
179 Smith baptisms from 1726-08-09 to 1878-03-10
Stebbings 2 Stebbings burials from 1796-02-28 to 1807-05-10
2 Stebbings marriages from 1783-01-16 to 1797-11-06
97 Stebbings baptisms from 1795-08-23 to 1864-03-25
Woodrow 2 Woodrow burials from 1797-03-28 to 1811-09-17
5 Woodrow marriages from 1732-10-03 to 1809-08-29
98 Woodrow baptisms from 1777-09-01 to 1878-09-08
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