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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Haveringland (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Haveringland in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Allen 16 Allen burials from 1816-02-25 to 1895-02-11
13 Allen marriages from 1759-10-14 to 1846-05-05
115 Allen baptisms from 1798-01-14 to 1859-12-11
Bell 8 Bell burials from 1710-03-21 to 1881-04-24
9 Bell marriages from 1706-10-09 to 1864-05-11
94 Bell baptisms from 1795-01-09 to 1869-07-04
Blythe 19 Blythe burials from 1781-08-29 to 1878-08-08
14 Blythe marriages from 1606-06-22 to 1871-04-27
149 Blythe baptisms from 1600-10-18 to 1880-05-30
Brewster 32 Brewster burials from 1770-07-01 to 1853-02-24
2 Brewster marriages from 1797-04-24 to 1797-04-24
132 Brewster baptisms from 1770-04-01 to 1824-04-15
Harvey 25 Harvey burials from 1812-04-02 to 1897-04-09
17 Harvey marriages from 1812-05-21 to 1860-01-12
270 Harvey baptisms from 1788-02-24 to 1858-06-20
Howard 52 Howard burials from 1706-11-17 to 1881-08-15
7 Howard marriages from 1743-04-18 to 1847-09-20
59 Howard baptisms from 1716-04-19 to 1881-08-08
Ram 21 Ram burials from 1789-11-25 to 1840-01-19
6 Ram marriages from 1781-09-27 to 1863-10-16
149 Ram baptisms from 1783-07-06 to 1856-10-26
Rix 13 Rix burials from 1629-09-24 to 1891-02-20
3 Rix marriages from 1840-03-19 to 1848-04-12
130 Rix baptisms from 1630-03-21 to 1871-03-05
Smith 33 Smith burials from 1679-05-04 to 1780-02-13
11 Smith marriages from 1706-10-09 to 1845-11-13
70 Smith baptisms from 1668-03-21 to 1849-09-02
Stannard 16 Stannard burials from 1796-05-01 to 1843-08-11
18 Stannard marriages from 1775-10-09 to 1845-11-13
92 Stannard baptisms from 1776-02-18 to 1873-06-01
Tubby 14 Tubby burials from 1709-02-28 to 1907-03-21
6 Tubby marriages from 1850-02-26 to 1854-04-07
82 Tubby baptisms from 1854-05-07 to 1896-07-12
Waller 6 Waller burials from 1839-09-29 to 1892-10-14
8 Waller marriages from 1695-10-29 to 1887-02-03
210 Waller baptisms from 1755-05-26 to 1897-10-03
Wilkerson 12 Wilkerson burials from 1841-04-02 to 1905-01-03
10 Wilkerson marriages from 1812-05-21 to 1844-07-03
80 Wilkerson baptisms from 1812-08-09 to 1902-04-13
Wilkinson 5 Wilkinson burials from 1847-07-11 to 1905-01-03
10 Wilkinson marriages from 1854-04-07 to 1899-08-07
176 Wilkinson baptisms from 1704-05-07 to 1902-04-13
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