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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for East Tuddenham (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for East Tuddenham in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Basey 38 Basey burials from 1743-04-19 to 1810-08-02
3 Basey marriages from 1753-10-25 to 1806-11-03
66 Basey baptisms from 1769-02-12 to 1811-07-30
Child 33 Child burials from 1761-11-19 to 1799-09-08
3 Child marriages from 1774-11-10 to 1808-12-13
83 Child baptisms from 1732-12-04 to 1799-08-26
Claxton 23 Claxton burials from 1776-04-18 to 1811-03-08
3 Claxton marriages from 1732-11-05 to 1809-06-06
75 Claxton baptisms from 1770-09-02 to 1811-05-04
Garner 25 Garner burials from 1761-09-25 to 1791-06-15
13 Garner marriages from 1760-10-15 to 1799-10-11
93 Garner baptisms from 1761-08-16 to 1810-07-22
Gunton 45 Gunton burials from 1762-01-21 to 1808-07-08
12 Gunton marriages from 1771-09-25 to 1796-10-25
45 Gunton baptisms from 1742-12-12 to 1810-03-30
High 60 High burials from 1726-12-18 to 1809-09-10
15 High marriages from 1756-10-05 to 1788-10-06
44 High baptisms from 1732-04-22 to 1811-10-21
Johnson 49 Johnson burials from 1768-05-18 to 1812-01-16
5 Johnson marriages from 1768-04-14 to 1807-01-26
64 Johnson baptisms from 1759-02-09 to 1811-12-01
Reeve 65 Reeve burials from 1740-05-30 to 1807-09-13
39 Reeve marriages from 1762-01-04 to 1806-11-03
84 Reeve baptisms from 1738-04-02 to 1794-04-06
Rider 39 Rider burials from 1772-*-* to 1781-07-08
72 Rider baptisms from 1740-12-21 to 1782-02-20
Smith 27 Smith burials from 1754-*-* to 1811-03-08
7 Smith marriages from 1761-12-07 to 1803-10-12
128 Smith baptisms from 1742-10-17 to ?
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