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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Cockley Cley (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Cockley Cley in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Buckenham 1 Buckenham burial from 1803-01-03 to 1803-01-03
19 Buckenham marriages from 1823-05-12 to 1898-04-21
81 Buckenham baptisms from 1827-07-01 to 1897-08-08
Buck 7 Buck burials from 1777-10-29 to 1812-06-17
31 Buck marriages from 1771-11-07 to 1881-10-01
198 Buck baptisms from 1777-09-28 to 1865-09-07
Fuller 16 Fuller burials from 1747-02-11 to 1806-08-31
78 Fuller marriages from 1737-09-11 to 1893-04-12
237 Fuller baptisms from 1739-07-08 to 1882-10-16
Leverett 9 Leverett burials from 1804-04-17 to 1808-07-17
6 Leverett marriages from 1829-03-23 to 1870-05-26
124 Leverett baptisms from 1829-08-23 to 1860-12-28
Osborne 12 Osborne marriages from 1837-03-14 to 1882-10-07
118 Osborne baptisms from 1819-08-29 to 1863-10-25
Pratt 4 Pratt burials from 1780-03-07 to 1806-02-04
16 Pratt marriages from 1754-12-15 to 1861-04-26
101 Pratt baptisms from 1805-06-23 to 1852-02-11
Prick 2 Prick burials from 1787-07-09 to 1787-07-09
17 Prick marriages from 1799-06-04 to 1861-12-26
202 Prick baptisms from 1782-11-10 to 1866-04-27
Root 10 Root burials from 1776-03-26 to 1811-05-13
20 Root marriages from 1828-03-15 to 1890-07-13
184 Root baptisms from 1773-11-28 to 1898-07-24
Stockings 12 Stockings marriages from 1797-10-10 to 1861-10-26
106 Stockings baptisms from 1804-05-15 to 1856-07-06
Stocking 34 Stocking marriages from 1797-10-10 to 1875-05-15
175 Stocking baptisms from 1794-02-26 to 1877-08-12
Towler 3 Towler burials from 1783-08-25 to 1806-08-05
11 Towler marriages from 1802-11-22 to 1857-10-31
110 Towler baptisms from 1803-03-19 to 1859-10-30
Ward 2 Ward burials from 1745-01-28 to 1800-10-08
16 Ward marriages from 1790-10-12 to 1884-11-08
95 Ward baptisms from 1796-01-17 to 1864-12-25
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