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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Briningham (Norfolk) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Briningham in Norfolk. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Barwick 20 Barwick marriages from 1805-04-10 to 1883-03-11
166 Barwick baptisms from 1809-01-12 to 1879-09-28
Moore 2 Moore burials from 1809-04-10 to 1809-04-10
20 Moore marriages from 1784-10-20 to 1886-11-02
135 Moore baptisms from 1806-09-26 to 1866-09-09
Oliver 58 Oliver marriages from 1785-04-04 to 1899-11-28
269 Oliver baptisms from 1783-04-13 to 1907-03-10
Bunting 70 Bunting burials from 1685-04-12 to 1811-12-31
62 Bunting marriages from 1764-10-02 to 1886-11-02
551 Bunting baptisms from 1666-11-27 to 1872-07-14
Purdy 25 Purdy burials from 1728-06-10 to 1808-07-13
13 Purdy marriages from 1785-05-09 to 1819-03-19
91 Purdy baptisms from 1605-12-18 to 1823-09-07
Clark 36 Clark marriages from 1753-01-29 to 1901-12-25
184 Clark baptisms from 1791-05-01 to 1888-05-21
Colman 17 Colman burials from 1682-06-25 to 1812-05-19
92 Colman marriages from 1786-10-11 to 1901-12-25
499 Colman baptisms from 1682-04-16 to 1903-10-11
Locksmith 34 Locksmith burials from 1718-02-25 to 1810-10-24
27 Locksmith marriages from 1783-10-02 to 1861-01-08
123 Locksmith baptisms from 1683-03-01 to 1841-08-22
Smith 1 Smith burial from 1806-01-15 to 1806-01-15
10 Smith marriages from 1689-04-07 to 1881-10-15
113 Smith baptisms from 1798-01-07 to 1870-04-01
Turner 14 Turner burials from 1735-12-13 to 1810-03-28
24 Turner marriages from 1764-10-02 to 1832-01-17
86 Turner baptisms from 1764-09-02 to 1838-04-21
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