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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Strubby (Lincolnshire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Strubby in Lincolnshire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Beels 27 Beels burials from 1759-12-04 to 1929-02-25
6 Beels marriages from 1769-01-26 to 1908-06-24
113 Beels baptisms from 1770-08-27 to 1884-11-30
Lindsey 11 Lindsey burials from 1765-11-17 to 1877-12-14
15 Lindsey marriages from 1822-07-11 to 1865-10-17
75 Lindsey baptisms from 1763-06-18 to 1870-06-12
Janney 26 Janney burials from 1790-03-12 to 1979-02-23
32 Janney marriages from 1789-04-29 to 1932-03-28
125 Janney baptisms from 1790-02-14 to 1910-04-03
Larder 19 Larder burials from 1828-11-23 to 1946-05-19
17 Larder marriages from 1830-08-15 to 1943-08-30
93 Larder baptisms from 1820-08-14 to 1925-11-29
Farrow 28 Farrow burials from 1795-05-18 to 1996-12-18
40 Farrow marriages from 1784-05-01 to 1983-07-16
80 Farrow baptisms from 1772-05-08 to 1927-06-26
Gosling 9 Gosling burials from 1795-02-07 to 1950-06-17
13 Gosling marriages from 1684-02-13 to 1878-01-24
86 Gosling baptisms from 1757-08-07 to 1886-11-14
Harrison 28 Harrison burials from 1759-08-29 to 1894-12-08
13 Harrison marriages from 1626-05-09 to 1985-08-03
66 Harrison baptisms from 1764-04-01 to 1890-04-06
Dowse 35 Dowse burials from 1759-08-11 to 1880-08-18
10 Dowse marriages from 1756-10-21 to 1859-05-10
65 Dowse baptisms from 1758-02-19 to 1855-10-03
Taylor 39 Taylor burials from 1719-11-22 to 1952-03-31
34 Taylor marriages from 1588-11-27 to 1939-04-22
157 Taylor baptisms from 1719-06-23 to 1947-04-06
Thorndike 14 Thorndike burials from 1774-04-11 to 1965-03-20
15 Thorndike marriages from 1754-05-28 to 1914-05-14
103 Thorndike baptisms from 1763-11-20 to 1890-11-09
Mawer 21 Mawer burials from 1767-04-17 to 1921-02-21
24 Mawer marriages from 1579-05-08 to 1921-03-28
109 Mawer baptisms from 1767-09-04 to 1918-02-17
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