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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Hallaton (Leicestershire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Hallaton in Leicestershire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Burton 100 Burton burials from 1729-04-18 to 1851-03-04
178 Burton baptisms from 1711-10-23 to 1835-05-28
Buzzard 39 Buzzard burials from 1734-12-02 to 1842-01-11
78 Buzzard baptisms from 1732-03-04 to 1814-05-19
Gibbins 114 Gibbins burials from 1730-05-09 to 1869-01-26
204 Gibbins baptisms from 1738-07-26 to 1841-04-12
Green 31 Green burials from 1736-03-* to 1848-04-02
95 Green baptisms from 1711-09-30 to 1817-06-22
Kempen 20 Kempen burials from 1752-03-06 to 1825-04-17
99 Kempen baptisms from 1745-10-27 to 1826-10-15
Kirby 62 Kirby burials from 1733-05-26 to 1871-03-27
62 Kirby baptisms from 1733-06-17 to 1781-07-25
Lount 38 Lount burials from 1780-02-17 to 1872-02-07
117 Lount baptisms from 1772-04-10 to 1842-03-11
Pateman 62 Pateman burials from 1730-11-11 to 1876-05-05
127 Pateman baptisms from 1730-02-13 to 1823-03-12
Rowe 117 Rowe burials from *-07-22 to 1870-11-24
272 Rowe baptisms from 1729-10-06 to 1842-08-28
Simkin 76 Simkin burials from 1743-04-15 to 1876-12-08
125 Simkin baptisms from 1730-08-30 to 1843-09-10
Smith 64 Smith burials from 1709-09-05 to 1842-09-13
112 Smith baptisms from 1729-12-07 to 1811-02-19
Spawton 43 Spawton burials from 1730-12-19 to 1848-04-17
136 Spawton baptisms from 1711-03-31 to 1834-06-18
Stevenson 62 Stevenson burials from 1737-01-23 to 1871-09-12
168 Stevenson baptisms from 1746-11-15 to 1841-04-11
Ward 87 Ward burials from 1732-09-11 to 1878-04-17
219 Ward baptisms from 1709-08-26 to 1843-07-02
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