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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Gaddesby (Leicestershire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Gaddesby in Leicestershire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Brown 22 Brown burials from 1714-07-22 to 1811-11-18
6 Brown marriages from 1676-05-25 to 1805-01-14
192 Brown baptisms from 1740-04-20 to 1875-08-01
Carr 10 Carr burials from 1774-11-20 to 1811-02-26
3 Carr marriages from 1770-02-21 to 1803-06-16
93 Carr baptisms from 1766-06-27 to 1863-05-24
Hardy 31 Hardy burials from 1698-*-* to 1811-05-05
14 Hardy marriages from 1569-09-23 to 1808-02-15
110 Hardy baptisms from 1702-10-08 to 1909-09-19
Johnson 8 Johnson burials from 1703-11-27 to 1798-09-29
3 Johnson marriages from 1605-11-30 to 1793-12-09
149 Johnson baptisms from 1736-02-07 to 1909-03-25
Reeve 43 Reeve burials from 1716-06-03 to 1809-01-30
12 Reeve marriages from 1626-11-28 to 1808-05-26
150 Reeve baptisms from 1701-04-16 to 1861-11-03
Smith 20 Smith burials from 1703-12-16 to 1808-11-27
8 Smith marriages from 1574-11-22 to 1793-02-25
181 Smith baptisms from 1699-*-02 to 1915-02-28
Underwood 25 Underwood burials from 1701-03-21 to 1811-04-26
10 Underwood marriages from 1571-06-16 to 1804-06-18
224 Underwood baptisms from 1699-*-27 to 1901-11-17
Ward 8 Ward burials from 1732-feb-12 to 1748-05-15
4 Ward marriages from 1625-09-29 to 1798-12-25
157 Ward baptisms from 1733-07-09 to 1872-04-05
Whait 7 Whait burials from 1790-04-15 to 1812-06-19
4 Whait marriages from 1758-01-27 to 1793-11-25
121 Whait baptisms from 1787-12-23 to 1909-03-25
Williamson 41 Williamson burials from 1744-04-06 to 1802-06-14
10 Williamson marriages from 1763-11-09 to 1811-07-04
117 Williamson baptisms from 1737-10-17 to 1836-01-17
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