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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for High Halstow (Kent) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for High Halstow in Kent. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Baker 17 Baker burials from 1789-02-21 to 1852-09-05
54 Baker marriages from 1777-11-04 to 1984-09-15
115 Baker baptisms from 1789-02-08 to 1920-04-18
Bell 10 Bell burials from 1668-*-* to 1949-03-29
38 Bell marriages from 1867-12-12 to 1964-07-25
72 Bell baptisms from 1851-01-20 to 1945-07-08
Cooper 14 Cooper burials from 1724-08-25 to 1941-02-19
34 Cooper marriages from 1655-09-26 to 1982-03-20
55 Cooper baptisms from 1768-06-17 to 1939-10-15
Fenner 5 Fenner burials from 1808-09-07 to 1828-09-30
56 Fenner marriages from 1784-07-07 to 1920-04-24
47 Fenner baptisms from 1778-*-04 to 1839-09-08
Godden 13 Godden burials from 1749-01-22 to 1925-01-21
16 Godden marriages from 1838-12-08 to 1887-10-26
87 Godden baptisms from 1748-06-05 to 1906-04-15
Hogben 12 Hogben burials from 1846-03-15 to 1955-01-31
32 Hogben marriages from 1846-04-20 to 1921-05-25
59 Hogben baptisms from 1844-06-14 to 1907-01-20
Izaby 15 Izaby burials from 1829-11-29 to 1944-12-16
16 Izaby marriages from 1819-06-26 to 1889-07-13
89 Izaby baptisms from 1815-04-02 to 1907-03-31
Knight 21 Knight burials from 1701-10-15 to 1940-04-11
81 Knight marriages from 1774-06-14 to 1987-08-29
87 Knight baptisms from 1701-07-31 to 1923-04-22
Osenton 15 Osenton burials from 1811-05-20 to 1955-03-19
58 Osenton marriages from 1820-12-25 to 1988-09-10
119 Osenton baptisms from 1805-04-14 to 1948-04-11
Reed 9 Reed burials from 1748-10-23 to 1896-06-10
10 Reed marriages from 1802-07-19 to 1868-12-16
82 Reed baptisms from 1802-08-01 to 1871-01-08
Saunders 21 Saunders burials from 1670-06-15 to 1929-06-17
14 Saunders marriages from 1722-10-09 to 1916-08-26
76 Saunders baptisms from 1677-10-21 to 1894-04-01
Simmons 11 Simmons burials from 1747-04-04 to 1950-02-12
20 Simmons marriages from 1787-06-18 to 1958-10-18
73 Simmons baptisms from 1701-05-28 to 1861-09-29
Smith 56 Smith burials from 1667-01-12 to 1953-03-07
84 Smith marriages from 1699-11-* to 1982-06-05
201 Smith baptisms from 1725-09-26 to 1956-01-29
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