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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Winwick (Huntingdonshire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Winwick in Huntingdonshire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Briggs 10 Briggs burials from 1546-05-12 to 1812-01-06
28 Briggs marriages from 1607-05-11 to 1855-10-18
94 Briggs baptisms from 1607-08-16 to 1857-05-17
Bright 26 Bright burials from 1698-02-27 to 1784-05-10
20 Bright marriages from 1697-05-25 to 1869-01-25
131 Bright baptisms from 1698-02-15 to 1853-09-11
Bucknell 38 Bucknell burials from 1540-10-23 to 1778-12-22
13 Bucknell marriages from 1588-02-29 to 1805-11-10
78 Bucknell baptisms from 1539-01-08 to 1777-10-15
Jacob 66 Jacob burials from 1695-05-13 to 1782-02-15
14 Jacob marriages from 1701-07-12 to 1791-10-11
131 Jacob baptisms from 1674-01-03 to 1780-12-18
Knighton 12 Knighton burials from 1752-08-06 to 1806-07-31
34 Knighton marriages from 1773-11-29 to 1868-12-14
160 Knighton baptisms from 1749-01-22 to 1862-08-17
Knight 58 Knight burials from 1551-01-25 to 1812-03-29
13 Knight marriages from 1557-11-18 to 1854-02-05
120 Knight baptisms from 1550-12-12 to 1858-09-26
Gilby 33 Gilby burials from 1666-02-12 to 1805-01-31
6 Gilby marriages from 1708-02-14 to 1821-02-06
79 Gilby baptisms from 1669-12-16 to 1821-06-26
Jellis 4 Jellis burials from 1775-07-14 to 1796-06-14
21 Jellis marriages from 1778-03-29 to 1864-05-09
95 Jellis baptisms from 1736-03-28 to 1860-03-04
Joyce 35 Joyce burials from 1546-05-06 to 1741-09-10
8 Joyce marriages from 1547-01-15 to 1580-11-06
108 Joyce baptisms from 1541-05-04 to 1743-03-03
Chester 6 Chester burials from 1799-05-12 to 1814-10-05
37 Chester marriages from 1797-10-10 to 1869-12-27
70 Chester baptisms from 1798-10-08 to 1859-07-03
Chapman 15 Chapman burials from 1757-05-24 to 1808-10-16
26 Chapman marriages from 1777-07-06 to 1869-12-27
104 Chapman baptisms from 1754-08-18 to 1858-10-10
Peake 11 Peake burials from 1744-02-21 to 1811-06-23
59 Peake marriages from 1562-11-16 to 1833-10-17
57 Peake baptisms from 1743-12-25 to 1833-03-24
Perkins 23 Perkins marriages from 1811-02-03 to 1875-03-22
81 Perkins baptisms from 1814-07-24 to 1863-04-03
Rose 21 Rose marriages from 1831-10-11 to 1874-12-28
106 Rose baptisms from 1831-10-11 to 1861-10-20
Smith 36 Smith burials from 1719-04-12 to 1814-10-05
50 Smith marriages from 1756-10-26 to 1871-10-12
160 Smith baptisms from 1722-06-17 to 1861-08-11
Stratton 22 Stratton burials from 1664-01-06 to 1807-01-03
13 Stratton marriages from 1790-05-02 to 1875-03-22
109 Stratton baptisms from 1640-03-29 to 1851-05-16
Roe 8 Roe burials from 1754-03-24 to 1804-12-14
20 Roe marriages from 1665-05-29 to 1863-12-02
79 Roe baptisms from 1655-09-07 to 1863-11-06
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