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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Corse (Gloucestershire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Corse in Gloucestershire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Bundy 27 Bundy burials from 1752-*-* to 1906-06-02
8 Bundy marriages from 1778-06-03 to 1821-02-15
150 Bundy baptisms from 1754-*-18 to 1874-04-05
Clark 25 Clark burials from 1684-01-26 to 1859-12-23
8 Clark marriages from 1669-06-17 to 1788-06-19
80 Clark baptisms from 1682-05-15 to 1843-01-22
Davis 22 Davis burials from 1665-02-08 to 1911-05-23
12 Davis marriages from 1687-04-06 to 1835-11-09
68 Davis baptisms from 1688-07-23 to 1873-11-02
Gough 19 Gough burials from 1686-03-04 to 1878-11-08
2 Gough marriages from 1672-11-03 to 1758-12-16
90 Gough baptisms from 1669-07-16 to 1860-08-19
Dobbins 47 Dobbins burials from 1702-05-21 to 1914-09-18
17 Dobbins marriages from 1791-04-12 to 1832-02-27
151 Dobbins baptisms from 1794-01-16 to 1874-03-15
Clarke 20 Clarke burials from 1663-11-30 to 1901-05-23
23 Clarke marriages from 1666-10-03 to 1798-07-07
58 Clarke baptisms from 1676-12-21 to 1868-06-14
Jones 48 Jones burials from 1674-03-02 to 1895-01-05
18 Jones marriages from 1672-11-24 to 1833-04-23
51 Jones baptisms from 1677-07-15 to 1861-09-29
Hayward 50 Hayward burials from 1689-06-21 to 1860-06-24
5 Hayward marriages from 1664-04-16 to 1779-02-03
74 Hayward baptisms from 1664-11-13 to 1860-03-14
Vaughan 21 Vaughan burials from 1721-11-10 to 1919-04-20
31 Vaughan marriages from 1686-10-09 to 1831-11-05
74 Vaughan baptisms from 1719-07-19 to 1846-11-15
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