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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Twinstead (Essex) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Twinstead in Essex. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Alston 59 Alston burials from 1699-01-23 to 1810-10-14
4 Alston marriages from 1776-12-24 to 1802-12-25
60 Alston baptisms from 1710-10-03 to 1796-06-04
Barker 46 Barker burials from 1570-12-28 to 1825-07-06
8 Barker marriages from 1761-06-16 to 1805-12-25
76 Barker baptisms from 1568-06-27 to 1778-07-19
Butcher 28 Butcher burials from 1752-03-12 to 1838-03-08
10 Butcher marriages from 1756-02-08 to 1912-10-05
72 Butcher baptisms from 1695-09-22 to 1922-10-08
Cant 26 Cant burials from 1691-02-08 to 1837-02-23
13 Cant marriages from 1697-01-24 to 1942-04-25
82 Cant baptisms from 1691-01-25 to 1877-09-02
Carter 16 Carter burials from 1752-01-19 to 1928-11-27
19 Carter marriages from 1745-12-17 to 1912-10-05
67 Carter baptisms from 1603-03-13 to 1915-11-07
Dixey 13 Dixey burials from 1843-04-07 to 1922-01-31
36 Dixey marriages from 1784-10-26 to 1910-04-30
69 Dixey baptisms from 1825-02-13 to 1902-04-20
English 27 English burials from 1713-04-26 to 1950-10-28
29 English marriages from 1838-10-29 to 1922-05-06
110 English baptisms from 1697-02-25 to 1894-04-22
Harrington 23 Harrington burials from 1762-03-20 to 1975-02-28
36 Harrington marriages from 1741-03-29 to 1958-11-10
119 Harrington baptisms from 1690-09-19 to 1939-05-07
Horsely 19 Horsely burials from 1765-09-06 to 1827-05-01
8 Horsely marriages from 1755-11-02 to 1821-02-27
87 Horsely baptisms from 1735-09-07 to 1851-04-13
Howard 58 Howard burials from 1709-10-04 to 1986-01-29
82 Howard marriages from 1792-12-04 to 1968-11-09
206 Howard baptisms from 1792-12-02 to 1964-03-22
Raymond 13 Raymond burials from 1741-10-14 to 1883-06-29
35 Raymond marriages from 1760-04-09 to 1963-10-19
58 Raymond baptisms from 1741-07-09 to 1890-03-03
Rule 15 Rule burials from 1674-07-09 to 1867-06-05
19 Rule marriages from 1727-02-12 to 1824-12-25
79 Rule baptisms from 1703-05-16 to 1824-11-28
Smith 20 Smith burials from 1682-08-21 to 1981-10-20
39 Smith marriages from 1643-05-16 to 1958-11-10
55 Smith baptisms from 1631-03-06 to 1948-09-05
Weavers 27 Weavers burials from 1824-03-28 to 1968-12-19
65 Weavers marriages from 1788-09-30 to 2014-05-26
182 Weavers baptisms from 1796-04-10 to 1986-04-20
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