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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Week St Mary (Cornwall) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Week St Mary in Cornwall. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Badcock 30 Badcock burials from 1689-03-* to 1883-12-14
32 Badcock marriages from 1691-08-04 to 1869-04-29
90 Badcock baptisms from 1692-06-23 to 1880-06-20
Ayres 26 Ayres burials from 1791-07-07 to 1895-02-02
21 Ayres marriages from 1776-09-23 to 1882-09-29
86 Ayres baptisms from 1783-08-17 to 1883-10-21
Baker 63 Baker burials from 1673-12-24 to 1887-03-12
87 Baker marriages from 1738-07-16 to 1901-05-27
275 Baker baptisms from 1731-08-17 to 1884-11-10
Balhatchet 6 Balhatchet burials from 1845-01-21 to 1888-07-23
81 Balhatchet marriages from 1823-03-27 to 1888-10-09
34 Balhatchet baptisms from 1830-05-09 to 1870-06-19
Blake 76 Blake burials from 1608-05-11 to 1874-05-22
46 Blake marriages from 1621-01-15 to 1831-05-08
136 Blake baptisms from 1621-12-15 to 1834-11-25
Burden 22 Burden burials from 1624-06-21 to 1866-04-29
19 Burden marriages from 1667-10-16 to 1872-06-06
64 Burden baptisms from 1616-03-03 to 1816-06-30
Clifton 104 Clifton burials from 1603-06-08 to 1869-01-02
215 Clifton marriages from 1608-08-23 to 1850-04-02
255 Clifton baptisms from 1602-03-* to 1840-09-20
Colwill 129 Colwill burials from 1606-08-17 to 1901-05-04
109 Colwill marriages from 1630-05-24 to 1895-04-06
285 Colwill baptisms from 1607-03-27 to 1894-12-24
Cory 55 Cory burials from 1625-05-30 to 1858-05-05
31 Cory marriages from 1670-05-11 to 1856-07-03
101 Cory baptisms from 1609-03-22 to 1841-04-04
Featherstone 25 Featherstone burials from 1728-03-06 to 1890-08-01
33 Featherstone marriages from 1702-*-19 to 1894-02-27
81 Featherstone baptisms from 1655-04-22 to 1873-12-28
Folly 30 Folly burials from 1653-08-29 to 1834-11-17
25 Folly marriages from 1673-01-29 to 1832-08-09
71 Folly baptisms from 1649-05-04 to 1839-02-21
Fry 28 Fry burials from 1819-03-15 to 1901-11-26
38 Fry marriages from 1795-12-27 to 1895-03-21
101 Fry baptisms from 1796-04-17 to 1886-02-23
Heard 50 Heard burials from 1779-05-03 to 1897-09-12
49 Heard marriages from 1692-08-11 to 1874-02-22
114 Heard baptisms from 1720-11-20 to 1871-11-20
Hicks 26 Hicks burials from 1619-01-06 to 1898-01-27
42 Hicks marriages from 1637-08-09 to 1905-05-09
92 Hicks baptisms from 1618-12-26 to 1891-12-19
Hooper 28 Hooper burials from 1700-03-14 to 1892-06-01
35 Hooper marriages from 1705-02-18 to 1888-12-20
121 Hooper baptisms from 1676-11-09 to 1892-08-12
Kinsman 16 Kinsman burials from 1806-05-14 to 1886-11-16
37 Kinsman marriages from 1606-05-15 to 1905-05-09
67 Kinsman baptisms from 1756-03-30 to 1862-10-08
Leigh 41 Leigh burials from 1649-03-15 to 1785-06-05
9 Leigh marriages from 1647-10-15 to 1717-02-09
55 Leigh baptisms from 1627-03-18 to 1740-04-08
Mill 30 Mill burials from 1606-12-12 to 1818-06-17
23 Mill marriages from 1605-04-22 to 1809-07-13
79 Mill baptisms from 1603-09-14 to 1825-03-20
Orchard 104 Orchard burials from 1607-05-26 to 1902-03-18
118 Orchard marriages from 1602-07-* to 1895-03-28
280 Orchard baptisms from 1604-03-11 to 1874-02-23
Pearce 39 Pearce burials from 1626-12-20 to 1841-11-01
27 Pearce marriages from 1652-05-02 to 1805-04-05
60 Pearce baptisms from 1647-02-* to 1817-09-21
Pethick 68 Pethick burials from 1602-07-07 to 1855-04-24
81 Pethick marriages from 1604-06-25 to 1855-05-03
156 Pethick baptisms from 1603-04-23 to 1851-01-19
Prower 25 Prower burials from 1811-06-26 to 1900-12-23
41 Prower marriages from 1707-04-15 to 1871-12-21
59 Prower baptisms from 1781-07-01 to 1897-07-04
Prust 50 Prust burials from 1612-03-24 to 1877-08-15
14 Prust marriages from 1628-06-* to 1837-12-12
84 Prust baptisms from 1612-05-03 to 1845-04-21
Rowe 20 Rowe burials from 1607-02-* to 1896-04-29
24 Rowe marriages from 1817-10-21 to 1887-12-25
57 Rowe baptisms from 1780-06-02 to 1892-03-20
Saunders 65 Saunders burials from 1615-11-25 to 1876-04-10
31 Saunders marriages from 1607-05-* to 1874-05-05
84 Saunders baptisms from 1603-03-30 to 1858-11-02
Spry 22 Spry burials from 1726-12-13 to 1898-03-30
48 Spry marriages from 1672-10-24 to 1893-03-30
81 Spry baptisms from 1726-12-11 to 1893-09-10
Stacey 31 Stacey burials from 1770-11-28 to 1902-04-18
51 Stacey marriages from 1757-12-03 to 1874-02-22
116 Stacey baptisms from 1734-03-03 to 1861-02-19
Symons 18 Symons burials from 1606-07-14 to 1897-07-19
49 Symons marriages from 1635-01-15 to 1899-08-07
54 Symons baptisms from 1606-*-* to 1883-11-16
Uglow 21 Uglow burials from 1779-05-06 to 1886-01-21
73 Uglow marriages from 1774-03-01 to 1892-02-18
115 Uglow baptisms from 1720-11-20 to 1849-01-01
Webb 12 Webb burials from 1640-03-15 to 1884-12-14
30 Webb marriages from 1807-05-10 to 1894-09-29
97 Webb baptisms from 1602-04-* to 1881-05-20
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