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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Michaelstow (Cornwall) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Michaelstow in Cornwall. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Bastard 84 Bastard burials from 1546-09-22 to 1936-10-26
61 Bastard marriages from 1548-10-20 to 1867-01-01
90 Bastard baptisms from 1685-02-01 to 1899-07-25
Couch 29 Couch burials from 1786-03-05 to 1952-06-28
15 Couch marriages from 1748-06-18 to 1870-11-17
83 Couch baptisms from 1767-03-01 to 1885-04-05
Hawken 38 Hawken burials from 1557-06-13 to 1911-12-13
63 Hawken marriages from 1588-10-01 to 1882-09-28
135 Hawken baptisms from 1761-08-02 to 1854-11-12
Hill 26 Hill burials from 1592-04-27 to 1810-04-25
25 Hill marriages from 1677-11-14 to 1776-12-03
59 Hill baptisms from 1688-02-15 to 1861-09-26
Hocken 78 Hocken burials from 1635-*-06 to 1941-05-06
97 Hocken marriages from 1548-09-23 to 1882-09-21
151 Hocken baptisms from 1692-05-14 to 1814-06-10
Mullis 56 Mullis burials from 1548-11-* to 1763-01-12
34 Mullis marriages from 1582-10-15 to 1734-05-29
48 Mullis baptisms from 1681-06-* to 1721-06-18
Prout 39 Prout burials from 1637-10-19 to 1949-11-20
27 Prout marriages from 1638-01-15 to 1880-01-29
68 Prout baptisms from 1729-03-07 to 1869-02-14
Smith 23 Smith burials from 1803-04-21 to 1936-08-11
29 Smith marriages from 1669-08-24 to 1874-10-31
76 Smith baptisms from 1800-04-27 to 1896-05-28
Symons 60 Symons burials from 1575-06-02 to 1939-08-17
63 Symons marriages from 1616-04-22 to 1907-10-12
85 Symons baptisms from 1728-02-20 to 1886-11-14
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