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Baptisms, Marriages And Burials for Hardwick (Cambridgeshire) Genealogy

FreeUKGenealogy provides free access to genealogy records for Hardwick in Cambridgeshire. The most common surnames appearing in our records are below, but you can use our search feature to find even more records.

Surname Records
Adams 31 Adams burials from 1625-09-17 to 1754-12-02
5 Adams marriages from 1636-11-23 to 1874-12-26
66 Adams baptisms from 1616-03-17 to 1758-08-06
Baron 43 Baron burials from 1577-06-07 to 1762-02-04
12 Baron marriages from 1578-11-02 to 1731-11-11
58 Baron baptisms from 1573-03-17 to 1720-05-08
Bond 38 Bond burials from 1727-02-03 to 1874-12-11
66 Bond marriages from 1736-04-27 to 1875-10-14
200 Bond baptisms from 1727-01-31 to 1875-12-05
Cotton 100 Cotton burials from 1698-06-02 to 1816-04-23
9 Cotton marriages from 1712-04-21 to 1804-10-18
82 Cotton baptisms from 1713-02-08 to 1800-07-13
Johnson 26 Johnson burials from 1679-02-09 to 1873-06-06
16 Johnson marriages from 1585-10-* to 1871-03-10
65 Johnson baptisms from 1616-03-10 to 1868-10-18
Kester 38 Kester burials from 1717-04-06 to 1870-10-27
44 Kester marriages from 1716-04-15 to 1872-10-23
208 Kester baptisms from 1689-09-03 to 1873-03-09
King 17 King burials from 1836-08-07 to 1875-06-12
29 King marriages from 1701-05-01 to 1876-10-03
140 King baptisms from 1805-02-20 to 1876-07-09
Longstaffe 17 Longstaffe burials from 1837-10-31 to 1878-08-14
17 Longstaffe marriages from 1833-01-21 to 1876-10-03
72 Longstaffe baptisms from 1841-12-05 to 1875-01-17
Newman 13 Newman burials from 1831-08-30 to 1875-03-05
32 Newman marriages from 1807-07-09 to 1874-12-26
80 Newman baptisms from 1808-05-22 to 1876-07-30
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